Add Scheduled Streams to Game's Browse Page
Now that Twitch has in-platform scheduling, can we also have upcoming scheduled streams show up on the Browse page for specific games? This might require the initial development/implementation of the Calendar Schedule system being discussed.
KudzuControl commented
I made a mock-up of what this might look like:
KudzuControl commented
@SliceOfLiife oh man I totally didn't say how I thought they should show up. I was imagining a new tab called Scheduled, next to Live Channels, Videos, and Clips. Yeah, putting them in the grid with Live Channels would be a nightmare, lol.
SliceOfLiife commented
How would this appear on the game directory pages? If it's going to appear with all of the other games, I don't think many people would support this idea. It's already so difficult to get noticed at these locations on Twitch.