Small Streamer Support
Twitch is increasingly seeing success in large, full-time partnered streamers who seem to be growing in mainstream recognition and opportunities, but what is or can Twitch do to help dedicated small streamers get visibility to avoid a YouTube-like situation where it's only for the celebrities.
Anonymous commented
On the Homepage show smaller channels instead of bigger channels so virtually everyone can get followers easily.
Jampy00 commented
How about a random button, to allow viewers to check out new/smaller streams. Maybe a reward system to the viewers that use it? This way both parties win..
Thorlar commented
As you realize, promoting streamers constantly that already nets over 1.000 viewers without it, are less likely to need it to keep streaming than promoting streamers who only hit a few hundred or even less and are struggling to make ends meet. By promoting your smaller streamers more on the frontpage, you help build new big streamers up, showing the viewers of Twitch more diversity as well as helping establish more streamers on your site. This means that everybody wins. Big streamers shouldn't be removed from the front page, but rather be moved down to a category of "secondary promotion", as they obviously still deserve extra support for their hard work. But I think most people agree that more diversity through helping promote smaller ones would be an awesome change. For example: Pick 20 smaller (or something) to support for a few weeks. Those that are showing potential growth gets some continued support until they can pull through without the extra superboost of Twitch, while those who just don't seem to be helped by the frontpage unfortunately would have to be replaced by other candidates. Keeps the frontpage more fresh, more new names and many other games seing support, even if you focus on a bunch of 20 for 2-3 months before putting new ones there. Frontpage is already awesome, but could be made even more awesome by putting extra focus on the diversity of this wonderful website in comparison to the amount at the moment (which is currently dominated by eSports, big streamers, LoL, Smite, CSGO with a touch of other things which is not bad but you get the point, just moving it down to "secondary promotion" would still promote them but not as massively as at the moment). <3
Scott Miller commented
There are many small streamers who I've watched that have amazing streams. These are often people who spend huge amounts of their personal time on Twitch, and support the website. Instead of always featuring large streamers who already have a following, Twitch should give back to the little guys, and make sure that the community knows it is appreciated. This will also help even the playing field, so that there is more of a chance for talented streamers to be found and made popular, instead of having success be so luck based.