Small Streamer Support
Twitch is increasingly seeing success in large, full-time partnered streamers who seem to be growing in mainstream recognition and opportunities, but what is or can Twitch do to help dedicated small streamers get visibility to avoid a YouTube-like situation where it's only for the celebrities.
the_vg12 commented
I think it's a good idea because all the small creators want to grow and its kind hard to do it when other big streamers are streaming as well and it could help the little streamers grow and hopefully blow up
Adressillo commented
Esta idea me encanta, en mi opinión si se realiza una especie de "comunidad" para que la gente pueda conocer a nosotros los streamers pequeños, esto nos ayudaría a crecer. Al final son los espectadores quienes nos ayudan a crecer y ellos deciden si seguirnos para acompañarnos o no.
RushedPhenom commented
Small streamers are normally pushed to the bottom of a game channel or music genre. Sometimes user have to scroll all the way to the bottom for small channels if they even appear in the channel at all. Perhaps there should be a way for players to start trending or to be highlighted by Twitch once and a while to diversify the Twitch content maker situation. Also recommending games beyond the "fav five" of games to expand the viewer's interest and keep them engaged with Twitch as well.
Flintytunic55 commented
I think It Would Be A Good Idea Because I Stream Everyday For about 3 to 7 hours and i tend to get 2 Viewers Usually And I think this might help me grow
TomCaseyMusic commented
I agree with this. I notice even on 5+ hour streams, I'm lucky to break into more than 10 live views and these are only from people that already follow me or are searching for "music production" streams exclusively.
There seems to be a lack of discoverability on the platform. For music and performance category, the viewer population is dominated by organized 24/hr DJ performances, which frankly takes the emphasis away from more intimate, sustainable audience building.
Twitch needs to do a better job of facilitating sustainable growth for new channels that post consistent broadcast numbers, regardless of current obscurity. We shouldn't be punished for being late to the party. Also, it's my belief that there is certainly a time and place for large, casual audiences to cluster in 24/hr DJ sets, but given the current state of DMCA takedowns, promoting only channels where content creators are sampling other artist's music habitually (which is prevalent to DJ music) is also questionable in terms of legal sustainability. I just think Twitch needs to do a better job of investing in the future of Music and Performance category streamers that are trying to build their own audience, and not trying to service the masses with cookie cutter broadcasts during Covid-19. If Twitch only cares about those channels than post-Corona, Music and Performance will be right back to <5 to 8k viewership daily, which was how it was for years.
edoquelloreale commented
I think it is a good idea because it would help both twitch making a better community and the streamers themselves, go follow me on twitch: edoquelloreale I stream everyday!
29piru00 commented
yeah i think we need to make a traction for small streamers such as discord and build it up and balance off each other -
J8dedGame commented
I think this is a good idea especially for like channels that play games like fortnite, Overwatch, or Warzone, which are harder to gain traction for small streamers. I myself am a small streamer and I want to support my other small streamers as much as I can.
I'm going to start using a small stream tag when I'm online. I don;t know if there is one already but I feel it is appropriate and needed.
qt_drgames commented
I would like you guys to recommend smaller streamers like my self bc it is really hard to grow f you guys only show big streamers in the recommendations but what about us no one knows bc we are all the way on the bottom
FancyPantsDan commented
Let's make this tastier to Twitch.
There are outlets in the world to help do this, but its other humans using platforms other than Twitch to help. If Twitch were to give newer/less followed streamers and creators a way to link up via Twitch (like for similar game categories, I play Destiny and Pokemon TCG. Both are hard to break into and/or don't get a lot of followers immediately). I feel awkward just thinking about waltzing into somebody's chat while they are playing to promote myself and try to play with them to grow myself as well. Just greasy feeling.
So if Twitch gave somebody like me, say a badge or an offline forum that allows me to connect with others in my situation that would be Twitch-centric and keep me on the platform more. Maybe I try just hosting others, but I haven't found an easy way to integrate my Playstation to twitch without the use of a capture card, so currently using 2 mediums makes it somewhat hard for me as well.
morgyns commented
This is a great idea, especially a group or tag for other small/new streams to raid or stream together.
og_smithie commented
100% agree
Build a new community to learn from other small streamers and give/get tips from them or their viewers etc. -
29piru00 commented
asgfatal commented
i agree, because just like me im only using poor quality laptop just to stream and i only just watching while streaming i know that few of community dont watch some but i'll try and we'll try to build a better channel
thebarrenshideout commented
anything to help small streamers like myself reach out and get a community. Whether its a tab on Twitch or a way for small streamers to talk to each other when they aren't streaming. Something along those lines.
TheGrimari commented
yeah i agree 100% on this, hard to grow as a small streamer especially if you dont seem to get more than 1 or 2 watchers. kinda sucks tbh. there should be a community tab where small streamers can squad stream together to help their channels grow.
danieldorobat commented
true we all need this even if i have about 4 viewers on average but i would love for twitch to push me to a wider audience and stop pushing people that are already famous its just pointless
Shyrowin commented
small streamer are not happy about this we are tired that we dont get any viewers because we dont show app
SurvivorRat commented
This is an amazing idea! I started streaming years ago but only started to take it seriously recently and I've been trying really hard to network, grow my community and make new friends but it's so hard to find other small streamers trying to do the same, there should be a "looking to co-stream" section on Twitch 100%, thank you for mentioning this.
GhengasKhan commented
i agree to this lol. been struggling with the same thing.. just trying to stream on my free time.. maybe some sort of incentive to watch smaller streamers versus bigger ones?