Add filtering by tag to endpoints that return streams (Get Streams, Search Channels)
We can get stream tags, but we can not filter streams by a tag ID. However it can be easily done from the official app. Like to get streams tagged as "Family Friendly" or "Squads", or "Mode: Battle Royale" etc.
Please provide API for 3d party developers :)
newbNox commented
Why is this not a thing yet?? Getting ratelimited easily when using paginayion trying to filter tags from responses.
Please add tags parameter to the API cal
PonysPlace commented
Yes, please! Searching streams of a specific game by tag is a chore for bigger game right now and is putting unneccsary strain on the twitch api.
Additionally, the GET streams endpoint does not even return a full list of stream tags in the tag_ids response field. Apparently just Tags listed as "automatic" in the documentation are returned, making the api unusable for filtering streams by tags. -
WastedMeerkat commented
Seems like I'm necroposting here but it's kinda baffling that in order to do this I'm gonna have to make a web scraper instead. Disappointing.
Edit: I just noticed this seems to be improperly categorized under "Squad Streams", shouldn't it be under "Feature Requests"?
Obelisk94 commented
Please add this, it would be really helpful and it doesn't make sense for it not to be implemented.
LudumDare commented
Please this! The workaround of fetching every game in a category has crippled my cloud worker. I quite literally can't build my app properly or efficiently without this. Categories like Art and Just Chatting have gotten way too popular. This is no longer practical!
AND AGAIN! This works on the website. It's just the API that can't filter by tags.
Crueltylizer commented
Would really love to have this feature as well.
Go1den commented
This would be incredibly useful. I'm developing an app to help people discover new streams, and being able to filter by tags would be ideal. The closest option we have right now is to parse the HTML on the search page for tags (The site I am referring to is Browse -> Live Channels -> Search Tags), and I still can't figure out how to do that reliably. Sometimes with multiple tags selected, it shows streams that have all of those tags, other times it shows those that have at least one tag, and sometimes I've even seen results that don't match any of the tags I provide.