Combine the 5 Phantasy Star Online categories
The following titles are the original and ports/expansions of the same game:
* Phantasy Star Online
* Phantasy Star Online ver. 2 (expansion--note this is different than Phantasy Star Online 2 which is a different game and should be separate)
* Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (port + expansion)
* Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Plus (essentially just a patch!)
* Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst (port + expansion)
I and a few other PSO streamers realized how many fellow streamers of this game we were never aware of because there are streams in each of these categories, so combining them seems like a good idea so that our little community doesn't have to follow 5 versions. I believe other games (such as Pokémon flavors in the same generation, StarCraft II, etc.) have been combined before.
Thank you for your feedback! These games have been merged together.
AKDylie commented
Hi mouse,
This is great. However, it appears that after merging, there is box art for "Phantasy Star Online". Could the image that was used from "Phantasy Star Online I & II" be used?VoDs that used the now-gone categories don't say "Phantasy Star Online", instead they show a blank where the category usually shows. I've heard reports that people had to refollow "Phantasy Star Online" after only following one of the other categories before. Could the VoDs and followers also be merged, please?
AKDylie commented
Another precedent: Hyrule Warriors (released originally on Wii U as "Hyrule Warriors", 3DS as "Hyrule Warriors Legends" and Switch as "Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition") has only a single category on Twitch.
PKCoalTrain commented
Twitch...Hello There, Make this Happen Please, Bring the Community together
MamiGlaceon commented
Yes please! Maybe even just a general "Phantasy Star" category.
choogiesaur commented
Awesome idea!!
javathebut commented
#OnePSO ❤️❤️❤️
AvengerTheGreat commented
This would be really good for the community and bring everyone together, viewers and streamers alike.
KryptosVll commented
Although there are many versions of the games, it’s still PSO at the end of the day so why not...?
Bi033 commented
This is a really good idea, that should become a reallity.
mike_bison commented
Let us be one big happy family please. Thank you all for streaming this fantastic game. The PSO community are a real treat! :)
Takarias commented
While there are (very minor) differences between each version, they frankly do not matter to viewers, and only serves to split up the community. As an (occasional) streamer of the game myself, I will toss my stream in the one that is most populous, even though I'm technically playing Blue Burst. It's silly.
jandyman777 commented
Just get on and do it, Twitch!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeestop996 commented
BobandyLive commented
Totally agree, this would result in more visibility and could help unify the PSO community on Twitch.
SluggerChannel commented
good idea
fridaywitch commented
Mega please.
Firehawke commented
Twitch staff, this NEEDS to happen.
RpiesSPIES commented
Absolutely combine 'em.
JabberJohn commented
Let's make it happen!
Venemous_ commented
Makes total sense. Fantastic idea!