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64 results found

  1. PLEASE put the Following list (on the left side of screen) back to number of viewers at the present time, NOT whatever this new order is from. It makes NO SENSE whatsoever!!!

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  2. I saw that this got recently updated, and now has a "Recommended for You" option which just seems to be random (probably yet another dumb algorithm for streamers to figure out.) And there's an option to sort "Viewers (High to Low)" as it was before this feature was introduced. Why can't we sort Viewers (Low to High) though? If you can sort High to Low, why not the opposite? I'm still going to have to scroll down to find smaller streamers I want to support anyway, and the "Recommended" sorting order just makes them harder to find, if anything.


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  3. The left sidebar that displays icons of the channels one is following, it would be great if it was expandable to show full channel details or at least the name. The icons are not "iconic" enough to know who's behind each one.

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  4. Currently on the left panel of streams/following channels/recommended channels scrolling down makes the collapse button scrolls off screen. Keeping the button locked at the top would allow the user to collapse this panel without having to scroll the panel all the way back to the top.

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  5. I follow a large number of streamers; mainly because my preference for what type of game or content I'm 'into' at a given time changes. I might be really into Rust for 2 weeks so I want to see people I follow who play that, but then I might pivot into wanting to watch a lot of the streamers in OTK and will want to check when they're live instead.

    One of the features I saw recently (which I assume was being beta tested?) was the option to pin/favourite certain streamers you watch all the time.

    I see this as…

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  6. In July or August, the website changed and the "sidebar" (that shows the channels you follow, and suggestions) stopped auto-expanding when you hover over it.

    Today, you can only manually cause it to expand out (showing the icon and name of everyone you follow), or you can collapse it (and it just shows icons).

    Before, you could collapse it, but then if you hover over the bar anywhere, it would auto-expand out, showing more information and names.

    The current layout is much harder to use on my laptop (It also doesn't help that the icon to expand the sidebar…

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  7. Being able to collapse the pinned channels section, but add a red dot next to the list if someone you have pinned is live, will save some space and still allow us to know when our pinned channels are active.

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  8. Either list our subbed channels at top of the "followed channel list" or highlight them. Now they just get buried beneath channels I only rarely watch.

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  9. Add the ability to 'favourite' a channel, with the option to make all subbed channels favourites.

    These favourite channels would appear at the top of your 'followed' list in the sidebar etc - right above the reinstated FRIENDS LIST

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  10. The new ui in the follow bar that I am seeing today is confusing and annoying. I thought the "pinned" system would make my follow bar more streamlined but it only worsened my experience.

    In collapsed view my followed and live channels are displayed identically to live channels that I don't follow. Live channels that I don't follow should not appear to be followed by me. They should be separated from the ones I follow.

    Currently there are 4 live unpinned followed channels that show on my bar. Under that 9 channels that I don't follow are showing. But there's…

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  11. I follow a lot of people who stream gambling content but the moment they start streaming slots etc., they disappear from the followed channels list. I've been following some of these people particularly for their gambling content but I can't even see whether they are live and this simply forces me to visit all channels one by one to see if they are online or not. This unsolicited censorship is completely uncalled-for, I want to watch content creators I like regardless of the content they're streaming.

    Please remove this filter or make it optional. Not every Twitch user is 12…

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  12. Can there be a feature where the people you are subscribed to are at the top instead of trying to find who you are sub'd to and who you follow.

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  13. 크롬의 확장 프로그램 덕분에 트위치 채널 고정 기능이 생겼습니다. 다만 3개는 너무 적고
    한 5 ~ 6개 정도만 상단에 고정 할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 또한 대상이 생방송 중일 때만 이 기능을 이용해 고정할 수 있기에 이런 불편함을 없애고자 고정할 대상이 생방송이 아닌 오프라인 때라도 고정할 수 있게 바꿔줬으면 합니다.

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  14. 채널 고정 기능 갑자기 생기는 바람에 화면에 알림팝업이 가려져서 너무너무나 불편하다.
    왜 쓰래기같은 기능을 만들어서 불편하게 만드냐?

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  15. Please please please can there be a setting to turn the pin/unpin this channel off !
    I'm using 2 monitors and for whatever reason the new pin/unpin feature pop up appears constantly in all the streams streams ! It blocks a fair part of the video screen. Constantly... please allow us to switch this feature off !! Its so annoying.

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  16. Love the new pin idea, but as it is now, it just creates clutter because I don't want offline streams to be at the very top. (Chances are the channels I want to pin the most are the ones I'd otherwise miss, i.e. channels that don't go live very often).

    Also if it was done this way, it should be fine for us to pin more than 3, right?

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  17. The pin feature has proven pretty useless in general but the feature has made watching streams on desktop a chore. The hover window will pop up unpromoted while working on another monitor, please make it an option on the channel itself or make the hover more conditional.

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  18. i have recently been given the option to pin my three favourite streamers to the top of the list. i believe this is a trial to be rolled out to everyone. i have encountered a few issues.
    1. pinned streamers are removed from the list when they go offline.
    2. if i move my mouse to my second monitor the box remains open for pinning a streamer thus obscuring part of the stream i am watching.
    3. once i have pinned three there is the option still to pin a streamer, replacing one that is already in the list.

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  19. Channel bar when in the compact view is now a singular list of channels with nothing to show a difference between where your followed channels ends and where recommended channels, and 'viewers also watched' channels, begin. Previously there was a small icon representing each of these categories but they seem to have been removed.

    Previous suggestion was closed as "There should be a separator in the compact Channel List view in the form of icons. A heart should be present above the followed channels and a camera above the recommended channels. Hope that clarifies this.", but I am currently using…

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  20. Currently only the 25 most viewed streams you follow appear in the sidebar with no way to display more once that cap is reached.

    Desktop has a "show more" button. It would be best if both desktop and mobile just showed all of the live channels you follow right off the bat, but at least feature parity with desktop's "show more" button would be nice. I follow a lot of streams and I always like to check what low viewership streamers are live first. As-is the only way to do that is to go to the following tab and scroll…

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