Trans tag request
It is hard enough finding trans representation in our daily lives. With the LGBTQIA+ tag, one still needs to browse through channels and spend time in them to find trans streamers. A "trans" tag would help people searching for these communities.
Today we are rolling out 350+ tags, including the transgender tag, to provide you with more options on how you express yourself and your content, so that you can more easily connect with one another and build wonderful communities. We are really appreciative for all of the feedback around this topic (and other related suggestions).
We previously told you that we had a better solution to this request than adding the tag, and we were wrong. This has been one of the most popular requests we’ve heard, and the simple truth is that we should have done this sooner. In an effort to think carefully about how to best address this, we only made the situation more difficult. Again, thank you for helping us throughout this process in reevaluating our stance.
Please continue to share ideas and feedback you have to UserVoice, as well as any suggestions for additional tags you feel we may have missed! We are working to invest more into this forum and aim to have faster communications in the future.
Please check out our blog post for more info:
the_voidcrew commented
I swear this better not be them wanting to do things to harm us in away - I mean i REALLY WANT tags to better serve things - but in other ways it's just another way for people to put us in a corner. I upvoted trust me, we need this in one way or another - if they try and take it from us we'll just cause an uproar :3
- commented
I hope with the addition of such needed valuable tags you are going to increase the limit for tags creators are allowed to have
tk_layla commented
2 long years. Every vote, every comment, every tweet, every rant on stream... and finally, you've actually listened to us! A massive thank you to all who have came by to help spread the word; we wouldn't have done this without you!
As for you Twitch, I hope this is the first step of many in terms of you helping out the trans community. Don't just do this because Pride month is coming up, do things like this for the many years that follow because we exist. Take care all x
rocketjohn commented
Congratulations to the trans community - your continuous pressure finally got a response and a result:
madelinethemillenial commented
There’s seriously needs to be more trans representation on this platform so I am all for this movement
HighRollerHydra commented
It took them 7 months after their last reply to respond?
Ms_Kitsune commented
They are finally making the tag official next week 🥰
M4dk4T commented
We need more representation, and an easier way to find content creators. Visibility is extremely important, especially as there are people trying to destroy the trans community.
luciaeverblack commented
I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped make this a reality. There have been countless people over the years who have advocated not only for the trans tag but numerous other identity tags as well.
The past week has truly been inspiring seeing so many people voice their support. It really does show how much the LGBTQUIA2+ community looks out for one another, and demonstrates the support we have from our sibling communities as well as our allies.
Make no mistake that each and every one of you in the comments and those of you who voted help contribute to this hard fought victory. This also includes the huge number of people who retweeted and signal boosted numerous campaigns centered around the trans tag.
Please take a moment to celebrate because you all deserve to savor the moment, to feel seen and heard. This is a truly beautiful thing to see and knowing we all played a part in it makes it that much better.
Let this serve as a reminder of the power that you each posses and that when we work together we can achieve anything. Who you are matters, how you identify matters, who you love matters, and you deserve the ability to take those special pieces of yourself and wave them proudly for others to see.
LucaShoal commented
They finally heard and listened to us folks.
RhiStomps commented
Trans Tag NOW
platypusjones1 commented
Representation is vital. Please implement this tag.
ovaettr commented
It would be wonderful to get to stream under the 'trans' tag during Pride Month in June!! Please consider adding this by June 1st to really make an impact! :) Thank you so much for allowing this poll and forum and for the work y'all do!! Trans rights!!
isotho commented
Twitch continuously proves it doesn’t care about trans people. The least you can do at this point is just add the tag.
zeke899 commented
If y'all really wait for June to add this, that's not showing or celebrating pride at all.
Charleemanderz commented
Get this added!!
jupitermonarchy commented
Don't wait for June to add this, as a trans streamer I want others in the trans community to find safe and accepting streams to watch.
Farronox commented
I voted for this so long ago that I forgot I had. Please stop stalling and do what you know you can and is right.
AgentKorralin commented
Will always be needed. Lets do this.
KirkOsteExp commented
Hot tubs exist but a trans tag doesn’t? Come on.