Anyone else notice alot of streamers having subtle audio pops/clicks all of a sudden?
At the start when he says 4 there's a pop (click or pop?noise when he says "Goddam..."
Lowering the volume actually makes the click/pop clearer to hear for some reason.
When he says container and miniscus.
Small pop left ear.
Similar small pop right ear. This one is pretty obvious.I think it's clipping?
I can hear this on my pc with my headphones.I can also hear these on my phone with another pair of headphones.
Is it just some coincidence that I happen to watch streamers who have these subtle/not so subtle audio issues or is there something bigger going on?
wiseOldDude commented
Another example.
This the kind of pops/clicks I keep hearing from all kinds of streamers.
Again I hear this on 2 seperate devices (pc/phone) -
wiseOldDude commented
As a reminder I hear them on 2 different pc's and a phone with 2 different headphones.Wear a headphone and give the links a listen.
I've even asked in other threads on reddit if they can hear them and some people have replied they can hear them even if barely in a couple of them.(some of them are pretty obvious tho)