10k Bitrate & Full Transcoding for All Streamers
As the streaming industry embraces new technology, alongside increased internet speed standards, I would love for Twitch to adopt full transcoding for all active streamers as well as an increase in the bitrate cap to 10k.
The current issue with the 6k bitrate cap for non-partners is inherently-lowered viewer experience. Viewers are consistently looking for superior quality streams as the first impression of long-term engagement and retention, which the current 6k bitrate cap severely inhibits due to automatic pixelation for high-movement games such as FPS. Since partners have the automatic 8-8.5k bitrate cap increase, this gives partnered content creators an automatically increased opportunity on the platform due to increased video quality enhancement while non-partnered streamers making up over 90% of the platform are automatically handicapped to lower settings.
In addition, transcoding should be a set standard for all viewers to obtain regardless of partner status and allow for a flexible viewing experience based on viewer internet speeds instead of automatically forcing non-partnered streamers to lower their video quality settings or pray for random transcoding opportunity.
aurowrawr commented
This is just a start.
linthiel commented
I really wish I could vote more than once for this, I am fine honestly with them gatekeeping 4k for partners but for people to struggle to watch a majority of the streams on the platform is a very poor stance to keep the platform alive.
9301878013 commented
polkan_zidler commented
10k Bitrate very little you need to raise the limit to 50k at least if you want to get high-quality streams in 4K60fps
Scorge_ commented
I cant watch the streamers im subscibed to because its constantly stuck on 1080p and lags the stream on my PC. this is a horrible user experience.... please change it so i can watch the streamers im subbed to without having to wait a year for them to get partner....
thedanofdans42 commented
Keep options for stream quality so viewers can lower settings to stop playback issues. 'Auto' always tries to use maximum settings which does not take into account what is happening on the viewer's PC. As it stands I have no choice but to turn off twitch. It makes no sense trying force users to watch at a higher resolution if you are having server load issues.
신수1 commented
제휴회원 부터 트랜스코드가 가능하다고 알고있는데 시청자가 없는 상황에서 버퍼링이 걸리면 시청자가 더 안들어오게 됩니다. 말이안되는 조건이에요. 오히려 시청자가 없는 방송에도 좋은 방송할수있게 도와주세요!
SfSuicune commented
Everyone should get at least one LQ option. Friends of mine often have to stream at LQ to make it watchable for those who still have to deal with bad internet, bad routing or bad devices. This is sadly still more often the case than it these days should be.
And those who who usually don't have a problem to watch a 1080p/60fps+/6k+ stream have to deal with it. And those are sadly the first ones leaving once they see some stream at 480p pixel garbage.
I myself would also be bound to stream at LQ for the sake of my friends who would want to watch. -
Barafu_Pineberry commented
Everyone should have transcoding at the very least because Twitch doesn't have fast lane traffic for all ISPs when trying to view or broadcast a stream. The maximum I can go most of the time is 360p without buffering. On rare occasion I can go 720p on PC. With PS4 no buffering at all. I shouldn't have to switch to my PS4 just to view a stream. I suggest that you guys make fast lane negotiations with Firefox , Chrome, and all ISPs to get preferential traffic so that ALL channels are provided with the same fair quality of service. What ever you can think of! A firefox plug-in for more pre buffering so there's no interruption of streams. Or maybe special website protocols to allow fast lane ports to be open so that no buffering occurs even on the slowest of computers. We can't just rely on apps for better quality. Quality should be available on ALL PLATFORMS.