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576 results found

  1. Twitch has become a cesspool of creeps and weirdos.. Twitch needs to protect their streamers. There is many ways things can be started.
    Give streamers better ways to mask their identities.
    Hook up with online harassment and government groups.

    Twitch is owned by Amazon and amazon has meta data on all its users inorder to help the authorities find these creeps!!
    Meta data IE: Usernames, emails, ips, even ring data..

    I’m not very smart but things are getting extremely weird on some of these streams..

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  2. Some moderators could abuse mod tools for no reasons. Take a look from some Discord servers when there no moderation control inside. I would Twitch could be more restrictive about how Mods should work and how to ban properly an toxic user. This suggestion could fit in any social medias cases. We would be hear and respect at any kind.

    Ban a user just because he was autistic, could lead an mod abuse and be sanctionable for example.

    I would too see Social Medias more conscious about how they manage their product. We got some mods issues on the rival…

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  3. I think this feature would be more helpful if moderators could also send requests and accept them on behalf of their content creators. As it is now, content creators have to do all of the work and some just want to game and let their mods do it.

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  4. Blacklist a phrase so that any messages containing the phrase are not displayed, currently the only way to achieve this is by using a 3rd party plug-in which can only censor the phrase, however, the rest of the message is still visible.

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  5. The current solution for automod is not customizable. It bases a lot of rules on sliders without allowing users to customize wordlists per rule. This is why people use external bots for stuff like this. But that introduces a problem of messages still going into chat.

    Streamers/mods need the ability to specify rule:
    - Name
    - To who rule applies for (ability to exclude vips/subs (per tier))
    - Wordlist/regex/limiters (caps/emotes/repeating words)

    If this would be too much work at least expose the ability to connect to the interface that stops message before it gets sent so people can connect their…

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  6. Recently Twitch implemented a feature to mark users in the chat as suspicious or to restrict their use of the chat.

    But sadly the restrict option only acts as a complete chat ban, which does not help much. (because if someone does not follow the chat rules in streams im supporting as mod, will get a complete Ban)

    My idea is to expand the restrict chat access option, so that suspicious users could be restricted in a way, that their messages will automatically be held back by auto mod for a certain ammount of time (or until a mod releases…

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  7. There is only 2 seconds 4 seconds and 6 seconds it would be nice if i can set a customs time

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  8. Chat Ban Evaders not allowed to host or follow the channel.

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  9. Hi so I wanted to get into streaming but the idea of getting doxxed is sketchy.
    Twitch runs on AWS which is a large cloud platform. Part of that platform is a service called Amazon Comprehend. Comprehend tries to detect if data is personal info, like addresses, etc.

    It would be super cool if this could be integrated into the AutoMod so doxxing can't happen as easily.

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  10. When you decide to ban someone and perform the command make a popup come out and the popup says "Do you want this user get unfollowed from streamer?
    there you decide if yes or no, because if unfair you get unfollowed because you got a 69 seconds ban (more if you are a guy who has like 3 years following the channel)

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  11. Like the pencil that editors have for editing the title in moderator view, I am suggesting that the new verification systems that are now only available in the editor dashboard also be made available as a new widget or added to the "Channel Actions" widget for editors who use mod view.

    I would also like to see some slash commands to enable or disable them. Perhaps with whatever we preset the settings to.

    /phoneon /phoneoff
    /emailon /phoneoff

    When used, it could enable those verification systems with the settings we had previously saved.

    This would give us the ability to use…

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  12. When switching into Moderator View to handle a problematic viewer is about the worst time to be forced into an ad roll - you lose all ability to assess how the streamer is responding.

    I am fine with pre-rolls on channels I moderate. I'm even fine with pre-rolls if I go straight into mod view, but if I am being redirected from Channel X into Mod View for Channel X, pre-roll ads should be disabled - this is purely for a functional reason (and frankly chances are I've already been served a pre-roll so this shouldn't impact revenue).

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  13. With Mod Tools enabled you click the purge button to clear the message from chat and from the VOD, but there is no accountability on who deleted what when going back and reviewing what message was purged by a mod. It could even look the same as how AutoMod shows the message that is held and allowed or denied by the Mod in question.

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  14. Currently it just displays no profile picture or name and none of the chat history is available. The only thing that shows is the reason put in the unban request.

    Twitch should just auto deny the unban requests or remove them front he queue.

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  15. Right now it is very tedious to have to only be able to add one word at a time if you're adding blocked words to your channel. I think it would be better if we could add 5 or 10 words at a time, separated by commas or or semicolons. This would make it less of a hassle for streamers to add banned words, especially if we have a long list of words we want to add.

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  16. the option to "/marker [notes]" is only for editors, however sometimes the Mods would like to just drop a marker for the streamer or for the editors to go back to as a good point of ref for them.

    For an example; "Start highlight here, end here"

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  17. Add a prompt that pops up after a mod bans or times out a chatter. The mod notes in the user card are great but often my team forgets to add them since it's a bunch of extra navigating. Pop in a "why?" when it happens and that would be helpful (also perhaps an option for the message to be sent to the modded chatter??)

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  18. When Automod has moderated a word - and the item is at the bottom of chat - clicking on the "****" will bring up a popup menu that is incomplete and will not let you see the rest of the message to determine if you would like to allow the blocked text.

    I should not have to wait for 5-6 more people to send messages to be able to review whether I want to see a specific blocked word - I should be able to make a judgement with it as the latest message.

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  19. A widget in the modview to see all timeouts that are currently active in the channel you are moderating, so you can keep an eye out for timeouts that are about to run out.

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  20. Remove prediction content guideline check on different languages than English or please remove it completely! Again, you think English is the only language what every people speak on the Earth!

    Can you tell me what is wrong with this text in your opinion? What guide is broken with the text: "Crazynek lesz 3 kill-je a mérkőzésen?"

    So, please remove ASAP, as we can not write good content because of your restrictions!

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