Shared Ban Info - Shared Comments
The New Shared Ban Info feature should have a section to show the reasoning of the ban in a channel so the mods know exactly why the user is suspicious. It makes it difficult for us mods to know why the user is banned if the reason is only being shown in the chat they were banned in and not the suspicious user box in our chat.
Gogo04 commented
shared ban info is a joke. i agree it needs more info as some channels ban for different reasons.
みそにゃー commented
A year ago I had some drama with one streamer (who I still like a lot). Now half of my favorite streamers I cannot watch anymore because everyone uses her shared ban list now. And the measures only go further and further and everytime I become more sad about it.
OnlyStevie commented
Absolutely, the ban reason is shown to the user, streamer and other mods, it should be shown elsewhere too
lucy____fer commented
Sí, opino lo mismo. Además no olvidemos que detrás de una pantalla al final hay personas y como persona podemos llevarnos mejor o peor con alguien. También están las expulsiones temporales por recompensa de puntos, que se lanzan para divertirse en el chat y acaban marcando usuarios sospechosos. Luego están situaciones surrealistas como un canal por ejemplo que me vetó por haberle dado unfollow y al entrar a otro canal diferente no podía hablar en el chat llevándome yo bien con ese streamer. No podemos saber lo que hay detrás de cada veto y es desmotivador para un viewer encontrarse con una situación así sin haber hecho nada malo.
No_Lollygaggin commented
I agree 100% with this. I actually removed shared ban because I ended up having users banned due to personal drama in another channel. It had nothing to do with suspicious behavior. This is helpful context to have to make my own decisions on who to include or not from bans.
SIimeQ commented
In the "mod comments" tab, after clicking on the user, add the option to delete this comment by the moderator or editor. At the moment, the streamer himself must remove the comment posted by the moderator.
LordOfTimeAndSpace commented
That would be a great addition to the shared ban feature
ScarletRiverrVT commented
I strongly agree with this suggestion. Mods and streamers would benefit significantly from having notes for shared bans. Not just to have a better understanding of why a viewer has been banned, but also to minimize any stress a moderator or streamer may experience when attempting to find out why someone is banned.
Banezarian commented
^ This, absolutely! Having a reference to why someone was banned in someone else's channel would be an excellent resource! Especially if they were also denied an unban request as well!
Hils commented
Shared bans should include mod notes. There is a big difference between spamming emotes vs. doing something really horrible (racist comments, etc). It would be nice to know what we're dealing with so we can make a decision accordingly.
merkuree_ commented
I also think it would be beneficial to extend shared ban info to stream teams, or at least an option to do that.
OilMama commented
Please Vote and Share this with all discords and twitch users. Thank you
A_Humble_Wooper commented
It would be wonderful if this could be linked into the same network as the new shared ban info feature. If we trust each other with ban status, I'd think we'd also trust each other with commentary on WHY people are banned/monitored/restricted.
Sometimes it's because of outside activity like whispers, Discord conversations/DMs, or social media stuff. -
MrrReca commented
It can be an interesting feature that moderators could be able to see mod comment a user has in different channels, so moderators can be warned about users that are not respecting communities' rules. Also it can be interesting to be awared if that user has been banned (or is still banned) because it can be disrespectful in the current channel.
MrrReca commented
It can be an interesting feature that moderators could be able to see mod comment a user has in different channels, so moderators can be warned about users that are not respecting communities' rules. Also it can be interesting to be awared if that user has been banned (or is still banned) because it can be disrespectful in the channel the moderator is moderating.