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ATTENTION! Regarding charity requests...

The charity tool is now fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund, so if your charity is registered there, you should be able to find it to start a fundraising campaign. In the case you find your charity missing, please reach out to the organization regarding registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch’s Charity Tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article:

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51 results found

  1. Remove the hate group that spreads misinformation and hate mongering while promoting abuse towards autistics and replace it with Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network.

    For more information on the harms of Autism Speaks:

    And an actual video from Autism Speaks where they glorify killing us (TW: I'm not kidding. They glorify a parent wanting to kill their kid for being autistic)

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Our goal is to provide streamers with a wide variety of charitable organizations and enable them to decide who to support. The scale of this program may mean that people within our community may not agree with or support all of the included organizations, even if they are currently compliant with our policies.

    Twitch partners with the PayPal Giving Fund, and they monitor charities on a daily basis for verification of their 501(c)(3) status in country-specific registries, compliance with PayPal Acceptable Use Policy, and more. We don’t allow charities that violate our hateful conduct policies on Twitch, or whose organization or leadership engage in or promote behaviors that violate our Off-Service policy. At this time, this organization does not violate our Off-Service policy.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. We’ve added a number of charities that support Autism-related causes, including the Autistic…

  2. Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    We have merged your idea to let you know that charity requests are no longer taken through UserVoice. Please review this idea to learn how you can add a charity, if you cannot already find it in the charity tool. Thank you.

  3. You don’t listen. You never listen. It doesn’t matter what we say. Do you read any of the resources people provide for you? Do you even read what people say at all, or stab in the dark based on what’s useful/lucrative for you?

    This charity feature has proven more harmful than helpful and I wish you’d let the community choose what charities make it on your list and vote on it rather than choosing the so-called charities yourself.

    I’m moving to YouTube, and I’m not the only one, seeya. Hope you change, doubt you will.

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  4. Excelent content, help me to understand how is work things flow. My suggestion, more video information about the charity streaming.

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  5. Retract your newly proposed rules surrounding charity fundraising on your site. It will crush charitable fundraising on Twitch and negatively impact hundreds of charities worldwide, castrating peer to peer efforts in a play for your own profits. You will also inevitably alienate content creators all over the world, and ultimately will drive many of us who more frequently watch content on Twitch to other platforms as we express our disgust with these changes.

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  6. As a parent who has lost his first child due to Potters syndrome, it would be great to have a event to not only raise awareness of this terrible condition but also work towards funding and research. There is no cure, and in all cases the condition ends in death. Potters syndrome is typically diagnosed around 28 weeks and is caused by the bladder and kidneys not attaching themselves. Such a case makes it impossible for the baby to develop properly, as no amniotic fluid can be made, to give the baby space inside to grow and more importantly, to…

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    Sorry for your loss. We hope you feel empowered to raise awareness and raise funds towards research for Potters Syndrome by hosting a charity stream on behalf of the charity of your choice. The charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. If you are not seeing the charity you'd like to use for your awareness and fundraising stream, please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  7. Its a holocaust education nonprofit organization that I personally as a Jewish creator would like to start a fundraiser for.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  8. id like to host up a charity for the skateboarders in India to support and help them fulfil their dreams

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Please provide the name of the charity and its website for the charity as well as the country it is based out of. Thank you.

  9. any uk charities would be an awesome idea

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Please resubmit your suggestion with some specific charities listed. Be sure to provide the names of the charities and their respective website. Thank you.

  10. Why limit yourself to NA organisations

    It makes more sense for a streamer from EU to help a cause that's close at home this also includes viewers that want to donate for charity.

    Adding other counties and there organisations to the list of Charity Fundraisers would benifit not only streaming in those continent but would also inderectly improve the various issues in those countries for instance

    Organisations that are busy with providing enough drinking water for africans, Mental health/Awareness organisations in Europe, and so on, and so on. will all help contribute to society of the streamers nation, a neighbouring…

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Please resubmit your suggestion with some specific charities listed. Please be sure to provide the respective name, website, and country the charity is based out of. Thank you.

  11. I just wanted to suggest adding G-PACT for a charity since so many including myself suffer from digestive tract paralysis including Gastroparesis, Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction, and Colonic Inertia.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  12. Der Verein „Lebenswunsch e.V.“ wurde gegründet, um Menschen am Lebensende einen speziellen, persönlichen Wunsch zu erfüllen und sie diesen „Wunsch des Lebens“ mit Freude erleben zu lassen. Wir arbeiten rein ehrenamtlich unter Wahrung des Datenschutzes und Beachtung der Menschenwürde.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  13. Hi there -

    SecondBite is an Australian charity that appears in the PayPal Giving Fund list -

    However they don't appear in the list to fundraise for?

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Sorry, but as stated when visiting the charity forum, we are closing out requests submitted to be added to the charity tool via UserVoice. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  14. ADOMA es un sindicato de artistas del doblaje de madrid , que necesita bastante apoyo.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.


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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  16. Stiftung Rückhalt
    Die „Stiftung Rückhalt“ wurde im Oktober 2006 in Saarbrücken gegründet.

    Gründungsmitglieder sind der Verein für körper- und mehrfachbehinderte Menschen im Saarland e.V. (heute passgenau e.v.), der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband, Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland e.V. sowie die reha gmbh, Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen.

    Zweck der Stiftung ist die Förderung von Menschen mit Behinderungen, Hilfe für in Not geratene behinderte Menschen und deren Angehörige und die soziale Eingliederung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in die Gesellschaft und den Beruf.

    Alle Spenden kommen voll und ganz den Bedürftigen zugute, alle Arbeiten des Stiftungsvorstandes sind ehrenamtlich, die Verwaltung übernimmt die reha gmbh unentgeltlich.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  17. I want to do there address is 1400 Crystal Dr Ste 240, Arlington, VA 22202.
    They educated people about illegal immigration and how it effects America.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  18. Please add the ACLU Drag Fund, thank you!

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. At this time, we are closing out requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for adding a charity to Twitch, as the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization about registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  19. Charity to be included: GOA, Gun Owners of America. A large number of creators here are supporters of the 2nd Amendment and engage in 2nd Amendment protected activities. I see that you host a number of charities but only those designed to deprive American citizens of their natural rights. For fairness, equality and equity it is imperative that you include charities seeking to defend the rights of individuals. Thank you.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. We wanted to let you know that the process for getting a charity added to the Twitch charity tool has changed; because of this, we will be closing out further requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. At this time, the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. In the case you find it does not appear in the charity tool, please reach out to the organization regarding registration with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

  20. I'd like to be able to support a small local charity in Queensland Australia. The lady who runs it, Beth runs a Guinea Pig rescue out of her garage which she's had specially built to be able to accommodate 80+ unwanted and dumped Guinea Pigs, she does this without any volunteers. Miss Piggy's Guinea Pig Lair.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for reaching out. So sorry, but we are closing out further requests submitted to UserVoice for certain charities to be added. This is because the process for getting a charity added to Twitch has changed. At this time, the charity tool is fully integrated with the PayPal Giving Fund. Please reach out to the organization regarding registering with the PayPal Giving Fund. You can learn more about how to sign up your charity here: For more information on Twitch's charity tool, please feel free to access our FAQ Help Article: Thank you for your understanding.

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