Bring Back the Rerun Symbol
There is a tick box on the Twitch Dashboard that says.
"Let viewers know your stream was previously recorded. Failure to label Reruns leads to viewer confusion which damages trust."
This used to place a ReRun symbol next to the stream that was visable on the side bar and the stream in the following list.
I beleive it has been nearly a year since the symbol dissapeared and now shows as LIVE.
It has caused confusion and distrust like your check box says.
I have noticed a significan decrease across my stream and community as people just assume I am never Live.
There are many others who I know tick this box and do not want to be tricking viewers in to thinking we are live.
ReRuns are a huge part of my community and have been running for years.
Removing the symbol just made it more confusing.
Feedback from viewers and streamers is that we would love a clear rerun symbol.
Maybe even a check box in the category to show live only and hide reruns?
I know myself and others playing ReRuns are not trying to out shadow those who are actually live, like I said it works against us if people think we are never live.
Thank you for reading and also thank you for all your votes anyone who votes on this.
Ruby True
SeanD313 commented
Why the "Rerun" designation was ever taken away, I have no idea. But doing so was a big step backwards!
Bring back the "Rerun"!
shesjustchill commented
Absolutely agree. Bring the symbol back please!
FidgetyFoolsAround commented
It's completely absurd that Twitch speaks about the importance of labeling reruns because not doing so "degrades the user experience" while simultaneously removing the most clear way of identifying reruns. As Ruby pointed, out the checkbox remains, but does nothing that I can see from the viewer perspective. Bring it back.
pilotbailey commented
This feature brings authenticity to Twitch!
tanzfang commented
100% agree
JonathanWhispers commented
I agree with the sentiments here. One of the main reasons I enjoy Twitch is the live interaction and chatting. It really should be easier to distinguish livestreams from reruns in a consistent way.
Zyblina commented
I spend too much time clicking random people on the side to see who is live. please fix this twitch. you could render a different color- bring back the symbol, or please figure it out. It's frustrating.
DotHacker01 commented
PLEASE give us re-runs back and please give it the same attention you did with the Art category when you moderated all the hentai drawing after the rules change. If we have a simple RR feature return then it'll only do so much if all the fake live stream users simply don't care and continue doing what theyre doing. A lot of these fake live streams have 8-30+ hours, theyvre obviously fake
JayTee240 commented
For those that love re-runs because we are in different dimensions ;P Please bring it back
lecksia commented
Please bring this back, super helpful for viewers.
LexyLou commented
bring it back pls >_<
Galaxshii commented
I never knew that there was ever a rerun symbol that existed. Twitch, you really should bring that back so people can actually tell who's live and who's not. Another thing that I want to point out is that I feel like I always have to start the title of my live stream "LIVE ASMR -- insert rest of fancy title" just to ensure potential viewers that I am actually live. I've noticed many other ASMR streamers do this as well to try and stand out from the channels that are doing reruns.
marcusthegalaxy_gamer commented
Live channels stay on TOP!
BowmanDean commented
Transparency helps maintain trust
SquishShe commented
And put reruns at the bottom!!! Live channels should be at the top!
NetiYeti commented
I agree... I know people often put "rerun" in the title, but sometimes it's really hard to know at a glance whether or not someone is actually live or not
GliterGirlRevTV commented
When I enter a stream thinking its live, and the streamer does not respond to any messages, This leads to issues with 'am I being ignored'. Showing a stream as Live when its not is absolutely misleading. Please bring back the marker so we can be sure that we are going to actual Live Streams.
ameiva commented
We need that rerun icon! Please let people know when a stream is a rerun, and let people able to search for live or rerun in the search function. Please Twitch.
rastapasta86 commented
We need the rerun symbol back. It is often so confusing and hard to tell whether the streamer is live or not. The rerun symbol was a perfect solution for this.
call_me_Greg_ commented
I totally agree. I know that other streamers besides Ruby do their own reruns, and it is very misleading when the screen always says "Live". Please bring back the Rerun symbol.