Adjustment of Points Required for Redemption with Each Redeem
I believe it would be beneficial to have the following configuration options:
Redeemable Times: It is not possible to set a value less than 1 for this item. Infinite can be set.
Management Unit: Redemption frequency and required point management can be set on a user or channel basis.
In the case of user-based management, redemption frequency and required points are managed per user. In this case, the initial value for the first redemption by any user will be set to the configured initial value.
In the case of channel-based management, redemption frequency and required points are common to all users. In this case, after one user redeems points, another user wishing to redeem points will require points equal to (points redeemed by the previous user + increment value).Initial Value: This is the initial value. It is not possible to set a value less than 1 for this item.
Increment Value: The value added with each redemption. Negative values can be set.
Minimum Value: The current value will never go below this point. It is not possible to set a value less than 1 for this item.
Maximum Value: The current value will never exceed this point.
Reset Interval: After redeeming points for the first time, the redemption frequency and required points reset to the initial values after the specified duration. Options such as per stream, n days, n hours, never would be beneficial.
Current Required Points: Only visible and modifiable when the management unit is set to channel-based. It cannot be set beyond the range of the minimum and maximum values.
Current Redemption Count: Only visible and modifiable when the management unit is set to channel-based. Negative values cannot be set, and it cannot be set beyond the redeemable times.