Ability To Use Bits / Super Cheers In Channel Redemptions With Overlays
I think an option to add bits/cheers into the channel points redeemables would be a welcomed addition. It would help the support Twitch and Streamers. There are bots that already use channel points redeemables in conjunction with an overlay system, such as MixItUpApp, which allows overlays (images, videos, text, etc) to be displayed on the stream using a local browser source. Mixer had a similar setup when you spent their version of bits (embers), but their overlay was in-house and had videos that played showering embers, shark eating embers as it went by, trains going by with embers dropping etc. Having the flexibility to create your own interactions using bots like Mix It Up would make the stream more interactive, fun, and profitable for both Twitch and Streamers!
My idea would allow this great stream interaction possible, and Twitch could have their own "stock" fun overlays using an in-house browser source. Twitch already allows tracking of subs/follows using their goals overlay. Twitch would just need to create an overlay for this as well for those streamers who don't use bots with this functionality.
People had tons of fun with this on Mixer, and there's no reason why it couldn't be implemented on Twitch as well!
tvtulpenland commented
MixItUp Bot is the beste one ever I am use it, is beter then
( streamersbot. Only those who can program software ) So MixitUP bot is mutch beter to understand, A clean WIki iside also, we can do allot things whit it.
Bits cheers we can user it in MixItUp Bot, whit oud Extencion thirdpart. what take 1 bit pro sfx play form us. Twitch can do allot whit Mixitup work together Twitch whit them.
Same whit sery_bot Is simpel setup direct in ur chat, soon you become Hate/Follow buy/ raid / host Bots, sery_bot Ban them in 1 seconde
Twitch work Together whit sery_bot = a Twitch account a Blacklist 100 000 bots work perfect it save me ash many times
and Twitch Work Close together whit MixitUP bot softwaresery_bot and Mixitup bot bode beste to user for streamers, its a win 50 50.
Streamers dont need more Connect ThirdParty website
Straemers dont need more Instal danger Extention what read our IP addrsses, and stream this live in thier scam Twitch account, I am see me owne IP in screen from Twitch cammer.Some time Twitch make stupid Choices Rather work well together with Mixitupbot and sery_bot
Girls and Boys and everything in between.
Sit down together at the table, sery_bot and MIxitupbot with Twitch. Talk to each other, How everything can be put together. and interact perfectly with each other. This makes
Stream platform better off.
Streamers have a better overview
streamers have Mixitupbot running on their own PC, and backups.
Streamers are no longer dependent on third party websites like Streamlabs streamElements, ect. and Twitch Extension is dangerous.I have everything in my own hands so far, rarely use stream Elements only for the FEED overview as bits, follow, raid / channel points events, this will also be done via Mixitupbot shortly, also sound sfx via channel and bits , I'll be in a bit no longer dependent on a third party, and all income 100% to me, without giving part to an extension maker.
SO Twitch Get off your high horse, and your thick skin, work with them IPV third hand party extensions