Make animated emotes unlockable with channel points
I haven't seen this issue being talked about anywhere, the only related support page I found says that only tier 1 emotes are unlockable with points, animated emotes are tier 1 so we should be able to unlock them with channel points.
Also make tier 2&3 emotes unlockable with points too while you’re at it :)
ashtonindaclub commented
omg yea, as it stands emotes tied to stream segments or inside jokes must be non-animated for them to be unlockable :( letting users unlock important emotes with CP allows them to invest more into the culture of a channel which makes them likelier to sub over time, even if they can't that month or are still getting a feel for things there. make them all unlockable through this reward!
KingPlouton commented
I'd like to be able to add animated points images.
I see that you only allow png files for the points. i actually created a animated png file which seems to work when i upload it to the 28/54/112 sizes but when i save and come back, they're not working as intended. it only shows the first frame.
Here's a gif image of the idea: -
noom_tv commented
Yes please! Any added functionality for channel points is always a win in my books.
어뮤저 commented
애니메이션 이모티콘도 채널포인트로 잠금해제가 가능하게끔
SirDaniWTF commented
There is already one internet page called TriggerFyre who allows you to do this.
Pippin02 commented
I saw that when uploading an icon for channel points, it lets you upload a gif and shows it playing perfectly. I have a perfect gif for my channel points but when you try to save the gifs it won't let you!
I don't see why, if it works on the page, it can't work on all pages.