Allow alt-text for images in channel panels to allow for accessibility for screen readers
Using images in channel panels allows streamers a higher level of design control, but sacrifices readability for visually impaired viewers. Please allow an alt-text feature on these images so the text on them can be accessible.
SnarlinBeast commented
"How is this still not actioned?"
A while back I spoke with some people who worked at Twitch who described systemic ableism internally, I think they just do not care, or the people who do have no power, so I think a more public pressure campaign would be needed to action something so fundamental and simple as this.
Keep in mind this is one of the most known parts of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which is rightly used as a bare minimum worldwide as it related to disabled people's legal rights to access.
pemetz commented
Alt text is an accessibility necessity. It is a simple way for blind and low-vision people to access the same content as sighted people.
lonely__shrimp commented
images add such a great flair of personality on a creators channel, but that should never come at the cost of a person's ability to access/interact with a page. it's honestly shameful that this was brought up over 7 years ago and yet we still have no way to add ALT text to images in channel panels despite how essential they are for people who use screen readers.
VioletGrimoire commented
I love the look of images combined with text in twitch panels, it looks so clean but I haven't implemented yet because there is no alt text. I don't want to sacrifice the experience for my visually impaired viewers.
[Deleted User] commented
How is this still not actioned?
It should be relatively easy to add an alt-text input box for uploaded panel images, no? -
TorinTalksCreativity commented
Would really like to see this added to Twitch. Twitch should be equitable and accessible to everyone. Any good UX designer would consider this.
KJ_Pothoof commented
Alt text isn't a bonus feature; it's a non-negotiable requirement. It allows screen readers to perceive what is on the images (which is definitely important on Twitch channel panels), and also helps with SEO.
SnarlinBeast commented
Twitch has a history of allowing ableism on the platform and I know a previous Head of Accessibility was pushed out trying to make progress. Don't expect them to do this any time soon. They don't care.
druidbird_ commented
I would love for this to be implemented! We shouldn't have to decide between accessibility or design.
MamaTamago commented
please add alt text to panels!! Twitch should be accessible to all viewers
kristyn_tee commented
This is a no brainer! Already built into every other platform on social media. Twitch needs to make this happen YESTERDAY.
MurderVeggie commented
How is this not a thing already! Bare minimum, Twitch, make it happen!
lemmyrose commented
Yes please this is so so important for accessibility!
Cptn_Sumi commented
This is so important! It would help me make my panels look pretty and still be accessible! We need this!
soundsnotstr8 commented
Yes please! Its such a great and easy feature to add!
CamronJK commented
The fact that it is 2022 and this seemingly easy addition has STILL not been addressed is disgraceful.
PolygonPrincess commented
This needs to be added! Many other platforms have implemented custom alt text to images users upload. This is one of the bigger accessibility pitfalls I find on Twitch and the fact that it hasn't been addressed at all in the 5 years it's been on here is wild!
ughlycoyote commented
Absolutely; I've been trying to brainstorm ways to compensate for the lack of accessibility on my channel page. My image panels are text only, but I know a lot of people who use creative images to replace their text altogether. Alt-text is essential to guarantee that blind/visually impaired users can still participate.
ShiggediShex commented
Please add this feature!
JeffiePlays commented
I don't know how this isn't implemented yet - hopefully soon. Voted & Shared <3