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22 results found

  1. Hello,
    yesterday one of the most famous BG streamers (unkind1baby) was suspended due to a missunderstanding by the twitch staff!
    He is streaming a game called Lost Ark since the realse of it in EU, and he is in the BULGARIAN/ BULGARIA section... speaking BULGARIAN... he was using the BULGARIAN word for a book КНИГА (kniga) a lot, since in the game you often interact with a specific book items...
    Could you please review this issue with the missunderstanding of our language and not count the BULGARIAN word as the N-word with the K in front of it... yes it…

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  2. When a chat is switched to the followers only mode, the message in czech says "Tato místnost je v režimu jen pro předplatitele.", Which says, it is in the subscribers only mode, which is not true.

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    Hi there! Apologies for the delay. If this translation error is still occurring, please reach out to our support team with a screenshot of the error for change. Thank you!

  3. Well I was thinking about attracting more people to the website and came to conclusion, that peoples first language is more effective at their viewership and activates hormones, that give people sense of home and motherland. So I propose, that you as biggest streaming platform for entertainment provide more languages to your system.

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  4. Me encantaría que los videos, sugerencias, apartados, etc, que están diseñados para darnos una introducción al método de uso en Twitch estuvieran en español; seria mucho mas fácil.

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  5. Translate the site into Brazilian Portuguese, and in other languages, please

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  6. If a user has gifted 10 subs, the English hover tooltip says: 10 Gift Subs
    In Danish i says: (Antal) Gaveabonnementer-badge

    "Antal" is the Danish word for "count", "number" or "amount".
    It seems like a variable has been translated, which it should not have been.

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    So sorry for the delayed response. Please contact our support team at with a screenshot of this translation error if it is still occurring.

    Thank you!

  7. Приносим свои извинения. Это содержимое более не недоступно.

    Can we delete "не" between "более" and "недоступно"?

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    Apologies for the delayed response, but thank you for letting us know! We’ve notified the team and they are investigating if this error is still occurring. Thank you!

  8. как изменить язык видео?

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  9. Dear Twitch!
    Please understand that with allowing russian content and being possible to stream/surf in russia you support the war. They are making money and spending it to russian armee while Ukraine is burning and people are dying. Think a bit! Do smth against it!

    StandWithUkraine #StopWar #PrayForUkraine

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  10. Dear Twitch
    While Ukrainian children are dying, russian people have a fun in twich and streamers get money and support russian agression. Please stop all streams in russia.

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  11. When you scroll down to the friend list, it says who they are watching. However, in the Hungarian translation it says: "A következőt nézi:", and there is the name afterwards. This is too long for the name to be displayed, so where the name should there is just "...". It's impossible to see otherwise who they are watching, so I recommend it to change it to "Őt nézi:".

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you for your feedback. This suggestion is being closed out, as the Friends feature has been deprecated. We appreciate you pointing this out in order to improve Twitch for the Hungarian community.

  12. Devia ter músicas brasileiras para cantar, é absurdo e inaceitável que não tenha.

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  13. The german word "Abonnenten" is misspelled in the error message "Dieses Video können sich nur {x}-Abonennten ansehen."

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    We are closing this idea out, as we have not received the additional information needed (how this error is encountered), so we cannot address fixing it. If you have any updates, please feel free to resubmit your idea. Thank you.

  14. Twitch start respecting the language of Bulgarians as well as Bulgarian streamers as part of your "Community"!
    I am watching a lot of English Content, also Twitch Rivals and during that time I have not seen any Bulgarian to be invited as a player of an Event!

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  15. Вы не до конца фильтруете русский, поэтому, мне в предложку приходят каналы, которые не знают русский. Вы создаёте себе проблемы

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Repro steps: Go to > Select an Asian streamer (if any) from the widget in the right upper corner > You are taken through to an error page telling you "Sorry. Unless you’ve got a time machine, that content is unavailable." > The URL ends in Asian characters

    Workaround: Go to > Click on the twitch button > Select the streamer from the directory > The stream starts and the URL ends with the streamer's account name(?) using ASCII / Western characters

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  18. Actual result: "Отслежи" - "вать" is not visible
    Expected Result: "Отслеживать"
    How to reproduce:

    1) Open twitch and change language on Russian (check screenshots 1 and 2);
    2) Select any unfollow Chanel;
    3) Look at the Follow button under the player;
    4) Check it.
    Expected behavior
    The text on the button "Отслеживать" should be completely visible

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    Thank you for your feedback. If you are still seeing this issue with the follow button not fully displaying the localized text in Russian, please let me know, and please follow up with the system and your current browser version. Thank you!

  19. Le pop up "Vous venez souvent ici ?" indique le bouton "Suivre", mais il est écrit de cliquer sur le bouton "S'abonner"

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    We checked in on this, and it appears this pop-up no longer exists, so the translation error could not be detected. If you see it again, please do let us know. We'll fix it. Thank you for your feedback.

  20. Заблокировав Nickname, вы:

    Запретите пользователю отправлять вам личные сообщения.
    Запретите пользователю ретранслировать вас.
    Запретите пользователю добавлять вас в друзья.
    Невозможность приобретать подарочные подписки для других пользователей вашего канала
    Перестанете видеть сообщения пользователя в чатах, которы не модерируете.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hello there,

    Thanks for reporting this. Apologies that it's been so long, and correct me if I am wrong, but it seems the wording for this privacy feature has been updated on the Security and Privacy settings page and no longer includes the typo you mentioned. If you see this typo on another element of the site, please let us know. Thank you!

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