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30 results found

  1. I've spoken to latvian streamers who have been told people struggle to find the channels that speak their language.

    This is an accessibility issue for those who have to spend the time scrolling through the 'other' languages in an attempt to watch streams in their languages.

    Simply adding more language categories would solve this issue. Twitch could ask their creators which languages they would like adding and I'm sure it would help many streamers and viewers alike.

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  2. Please just add more language categories. It is not hard to type out a few more words to make a world of difference to Twitch users around the world.

    So many promising streamers are locked under "Language: Other", which doesn't let them get the recognition that they deserve and would receive in their own language community.

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  3. I am so surprised with the discrimination against Tamil speaking people around the globe.
    Canada, Malaysia and Singapore has recognised Tamil as one of their country's official languages.
    however, its ridiculous to see 'Twitch' hasn't adopted/ignorant/discriminative towards one of the oldest languages in the world (older than Hindi, Urdu, Hebrew, German, French English, Anglo-Saxon etc)
    Pls update your settings for twitch streamer to allow adding the Tags : Tamil
    Thank you!

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  4. new to twitch and its great so far! I just want to say that a little bit of twitch even 1 hour in a day is ok. With that out of the way.... to know my context, My demographics in short is am from Nairobi Kenya and my preference is single player games 80% of the time. And i want to request if you can put a swahili option just to target potential followers in our East african region . Swahili is the most common unifying language in Africa, and there is alot of discussion on making it an African…

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  5. Have the possibility to choose between Portuguese or Portuguese-BR.
    They are similar languages, but have different expressions, different accents, and are written in a different way, just take a dictionary from both countries to see the difference.
    Youtube has the same problem, 95% of my friends don't see BR videos, If you want to have more fans you should make this separation.
    Best Regard

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  6. add the language flemish. i'm tired of having to pick dutch and getting nothing else but channels from the netherlands presented. i'd like to see channels from my own country (Belgium). with this generalisation of dutch, that's as good as impossible. meaning your language recommendations are 99.99% useless.

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  7. Hello,

    I'm here to ask if it is possible to create a specific TAG for Portuguese (Portugal) people, since every time, I try to find streamers from my country, It feels really hard to do it, and this happens because Portuguese tag includes as well the Brazilian people, and to be honest, I understand that, since they are "Portuguese" and it only makes sense, but its doesn't separate the "2" languages.

    My suggestion is, either create a TAG called "(TUGA) Portuguese slang for «Portuguese»" or maybe create a Brazilian TAG for their language, this will help for small streamers from…

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  8. So there are many broadcast languages already, but many are still not supported, especially the smaller ones like Slovenian, Croatian, Romanian, Macedonian, Lithuanian, Latvian and many more. I think that it's not really that important to add site translations as basically the whole world can go by english, but if you don't have the broadcast language option you're really killing the scene because it's hard to find your language and nobody even tries to stream because of that in unsupported languages...

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  9. The Malaysian "Malay" language is very much different to Bahasa Indonesia, even though it has its similarities, are very much culturally and phonetically different that it could cause confusion if I were to label my streams as Bahasa Indonesia. Furthermore, Singaporean Malay also refer to their native language as "Malay", so I dont see why not adding the Malay language in the stream info setting.

    Otherwise you could instead rename the "Bahasa Indonesia" tag as "Bahasa" instead of "Bahasa Indonesia" and basically combine them since the Malay language is also called "Bahasa Melayu" in its native language, but this is…

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  10. The Low Saxon language --also called Low German-- is spoken by roughly 5 million people, mostly in the Netherlands and Germany, but also in other parts of Europe and in parts of North-America and South-America. It is officially recognized as a regional or minority language in several countries.

    We want to be able to build and grow a Low Saxon gaming community around the world. Adding Low Saxon as an option to the live stream settings would make it easier to find streamers and content in our language, and increase awareness of it.

    Please help us keep our language alive…

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