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Twitch Studio

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Twitch Studio



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1307 results found

  1. Since streaming with external capture cards is a thing and delaying your audio is also a thing, I think we need a webcam delay feature so that we can sync our delayed audio with our webcams so that everything is synced with the game etc.

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  2. Make Twitch Studio take priority over other applications for GPU.
    (like OBS recently did by starting OBS as Admin)

    Twitch studio doesn't get enough GPU processing power when playing demanding games because the games use close to all GPU power. So the game looks fine for the player/streamer but it lags on stream.

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. 이전 버전에서는 세로 해상도에서 트위치 스튜디오를 전체화면으로 전환할 경우
    채팅창, 방송 미리보기 등이 세로 해상도에 맞게 자동 전환되었습니다.
    그러나 업데이트 이후 가로형 창 배치 상태에서 좌우 폭만 좁아지는 현상으로 사용하기가 상당히 불편하게 되었습니다.
    이전 세로형 디스플레이 기능을 다시 복구해 주세요.

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. automated layer switch (example: starting layer with countdown and automated switch after the countdown ends to the main layer)

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  7. Currently, I haven't had any success using my computer webcam on multiple layouts.

    If this is possible, I would love for someone to explain it to me. Right now, when I try to add my webcam to a second layout it doesn't show an option to use the same device, "Facetime HD Camera", I'm using on my "host" layout.

    I think this would be helpful to streamers who aren't looking to invest in a second webcam. Especially because I have one that works.

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  8. que en utilisnant twitch studio nous puission ajouter des theme / overlays

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  9. 1)It would be nice to see some effects while scene is changing.
    2)An option to changing X scene to Y scene after a count down would be great :3 (for ex: welcome scene to gaming scene / AFK scene to Gaming scene).
    3) In addition to aaall this an option to mute voice on some specific scenes for ex.: If I switch into AFK scene it would automatically mute my mic. would be also cute.
    4)(One more thing! A twitch chat bot also could be amazing :P Have you ever considering making one?)
    Thanks for everything ^^

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  10. If i wanna play music with Spotify and im using VB Audio Cabel we need Monitoring so the streamer can hear the music too.

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  11. Capturas de tela especificas pro programa aberto, já que ele captura qualquer coisa aberta, as vezes são coisas indesejadas

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  12. We should be able to set the Origin / Center of transform for each layer, along with the ability to set the stretch mode so that, for example, we could set a layer to "Stretch Screen" and set the Left, Right, Top and Bottom to "20" and it would fill the screen, with a 20px margin.

    The current transform system only allowing us to set the X, Y, Width and Height is broken, and using the Sizing dropdown does nothing

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  13. I wish there would be an easy option to separate voicechat from streams to not make viewers hear what ppl are talking about on discord channels when its confidential/personal matters.

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  14. Have it be sequential read write if it isnt already because it takes so long to compile the data before submitting any bugs. It honestly needs streamlining if it wants to make the app friendly for lower end users to work coz there are a lot of issues on lower end machines

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  15. Also ich frage mich immer wenn ich über meine xbox one streamen möchte warum es nur die normale Twitch app zum übertragen gibt , ich finde es umständlich da ich nicht mal alles einstellen kann was ich vor dem stream benötige ausserdem krieg ich den chat auf der app wenn ich live bin nicht über konsole angezeigt das heisst entweder handy twitch app auf oder pc worüber ich aber auch alles einstellen muss euere normale twitch app ist ja ganz toll aber auch wegen den ganzen extra einstellungen und oder overlays anzeige chat anzeige (s.oben) , einfacher sein layout und…

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. hotkey doesnt recognize my footpedal. It works in discord though

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  18. Is there a description on how to set up face rig with twitchstudio?

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Simple y llanamente que se pueda agregar extensiones directamente como una capa. seria la joya de la corona. Salu2!

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