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87 results found

  1. With Twitch Extensions, the Twitch community can interact in ways that were never thought possible. Additionally, it also frees creators to stream from non-traditional devices, while still maintaining the quality we have come to expect on the Twitch Platform.

    Traditionally, creators use powerful desktop computers to encode video in real-time and stream to Twitch. With broadcasting software, such as Open Broadcasting Software or OBS, creators can produce a unique experience for their community through a video overlay that represents their personality and brand, and most importantly, helps them differentiate themselves from other creators on the Platform. Differentiation is crucial to…

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  2. Today extensions (overlay extensions) are only available on certain web browsers (for PC/MAC).
    Make it available/work on all browsers.

    Today extensions (overlays) don´t work on mobile and tablets (apps).
    Make it available/work on mobile and tablet apps.

    Please also find a way to make extensions synced, be able to be used in replays/VOD´s/Clips.

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  3. Extensions usually aren't related to what the streamer is streaming.
    Extensions do not work properly for me.
    Extensions prevent me from watching streams.

    My biggest issue right now is I will not be able to view or hear a stream... Instead I get one of three error messages. In order to get the stream to work I clear my browser (Internet Files/Cache), return to Twitch, Relogin, Visit the Stream, again, and get one of those errors, again. I think repeat the process up to 27 times before the Video and Audio will work for me.

    Due to this I am…

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  4. Pando is a Twitch extension that allows streamers to adopt a pet.

    The pet will respond in chat about new interactions, like followers, subscribers or just a friendly hello to new chatters.

    We often receive the request to change the extension-name that is visible in chat. Currently it's Pando (same as the extension name). We would like streamers to change it so it will appears as the pets name.

    We know it's a niche feature request but we hope it becomes possible.

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  5. When an Extension goes through constant improvement cycles the Extension versions start to pile up on the developer dashboard. There doesn't appear to be a particular order in which the versions are displayed so it becomes a tedious task to find the latest one just by looking through the small semver text on the thumbnail.

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  6. It would be nice to be allowed more than 1 overlay extension and 3 extensions total.

    Having something like a schedule / StreamLegends takes up two, but with more of these being added, some of my viewers would enjoy having other things to do on the channel page as well as they like the Twitch Games.

    IE: The Powered Up Bits Animation overlay would be nice to have for viewers to add a little flair to their donation, but some still like to play the scratcher, mini-game, etc. This requires those of that use that overlay to sacrifice it.

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  7. There is a very large community that makes content for Twitch directly from your PS4 or Xbox console, and we do not have all the advantages that streamers have from PC, developing "exclusive" extensions for streams from console can help this community too much.

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  8. With the announcement of the mod view at Twitchcon 2019, it would be great to have moderator views for extensions.

    A moderator view would be optional and would allow moderators to have some control over the extensions (equivalent or less than the dashboard view)

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  9. I love watching some streamers, but sometimes the music they play is a bit too loud or quiet for my personal taste. It would really be great if there was some way that I could adjust the volume output of the music on my end to something that is more enjoyable for me, and allows for everyone to have the music at the level they want

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  10. A system similar to what Steam has: Trading Cards that can be unlocked by engaging with the streamer. (Requires the streamer to have such feature enabled; The streamer can design and upload their cards and set conditions such as drop rate, how to get them, say by following, subscribing, donating etc.)

    Each user would have their own trading card menu in their personal dashboard, to check which have been unlocked, from which streamers, etc.
    Viewers can also trade cards with others if they have doubles, etc.
    Collecting all cards from a streamer could also unlock a badge or whatever the…

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  11. It would be great to have a panel feature that would autoplay highlight/clip videos when a viewer clicks on our page or on the about page.

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  12. Add something like a small visible meter that chat can send their feedback on by liking or disliking the streamer, content theyre providing or the stream as a whole, without viewers leaving to have impact on the view count and on whats streamer doing right or wrong from chats perspective.

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  13. Whether you stream on PC, console, or mobile platforms there is only 2 components, 1 overlay, and 3 panels. I understand that this was probably the most anyone wanted to attempt when you guys 1st started. However, now you are probably the top kid in the streaming game, and this feature could use an update in amount of available slots. If these were always showing then I could see the need for a limit, but most only become visible once hovered over or located in the panel section below. So with this being said you could add more slots for…

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  14. As I was watching the god gamer Moonmoon play Ghost of Tsushima, it occurred to me that it would be nice to have the ability to donate to the game developer. Maybe twitch can make deals with the developers to set up wallets and what not, and if a streamer is playing their game/category then an extension will allow viewers to also donate to the game dev.

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  15. I would really love to show people who watch me on mobile to see the overlays I made, I would stream so much more often, I worked so ******* that overlay just for people who watch me on their phone (which is nearly all of my viewers) to not see it. I don’t have the money for a pc so I can’t put an overlay on that way, so I’d love it if this feature was added to Overlay Expert on mobile. Pleassseeeee

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  16. It would be nice if we could filter the available and installed extensions based on criteria like overlay/panel, info/widget/game, or related stream content.

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  17. Add the "Extensions" feature to Twitch Studio! Rather irritating that it's not available on the official studio software.

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  18. Make closed captioning (CC) a universal feature. Closed captions are a necessary feature in the current year. It not only helps deaf people but also helps people understanding foreign languages or reading something they missed while watching.

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  19. I've often had bad actors on my extension inputting data which goes against Twitch's Terms of Service.

    I currently have my own banning system, which also bans IPs, but it's not enough to stop the same people from returning.

    I would love if we could see whether or not a user has a verified email on their account. Either through the JWT or through the API.

    This would allow developers to make certain features verified email only and therefore, keep extensions safe from bad material.


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  20. It would be cool to have a option to add a client reference id when creating the transaction. This would allow me to link a transaction (before create the transaction flow) to a specific item by just using the method useBits() and the new webhook.

    Currently I still have to use the onTransactionComplete. To link the item to the transaction. However, if the developer’s EBS experiences an outage, it is difficult to retroactively fulfill the benefits to viewers who have already spent Bits.

    I have in an extension virtually "infinite" items which can be purchased with bits that shares the…

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