(Pando) customizable name for the extension-chatbot
Pando is a Twitch extension that allows streamers to adopt a pet.
The pet will respond in chat about new interactions, like followers, subscribers or just a friendly hello to new chatters.
We often receive the request to change the extension-name that is visible in chat. Currently it's Pando (same as the extension name). We would like streamers to change it so it will appears as the pets name.
We know it's a niche feature request but we hope it becomes possible.
itzSaumik commented
@twitchdevs prettyy please. This would be super cool and fun/funny
BabyCarrot26 commented
This is a great idea
So my senior cat is in the stream with me -
MistressKena commented
I would definitely love this feature. It's kind of confusing to viewers when they see Pando instead of the name of my pet.
YourCuteDarkOverlord commented
I love this extension and would love to change its name to match my cat!
pistolado15 commented
twitch.tv/pistolado15 - Brazil (via google translate)
A extensão Pando já faz parte como membro familiar de minhas transmissões. Gostaria muito que pudessemos alterar o nome que aparece no chat para o nome que damos ao nosso querido mascote. Por favor Twitch, dê um jeito nisso
The Pando extension is already a familiar member of my streams. I would really like it if we could change the name that appears in the chat to the name we give to our beloved mascot. Please Twitch, fix this.
CelestialAphelion commented
This would be an amazing quality of life update to the streams that use pando. Oftentimes we streamers pour a lot of time, effort, and creativity into customizing our pando to fit our stream themes, and really make it unique to our community. Oftentimes, they become characters themselves and this sort of immersion is what our viewers, and our community love and adore. Please give it greater consideration!
Bradleyjohnson_tv commented
I was wondering if Pando is still available on twitch I had it added and it's completely gone now and when I go to search all underneath twitch extensions and I click add nothing happens.
Pando_dev commented
this is not the place to request support for other topics. Please contact our support@cvs-gaming.nl and we will help you
Winter_Succubus commented
Is Pando still available on Twitch? I had it and now I don't see the extension and it isn't working on OBS...
Pando_dev commented
this is not the place to request support for other topics. Please contact our support@cvs-gaming.nl and we will help you.
KuromeTenshi commented
I too am having the same issue where Pando does not want to save any of my configurations or customizations
GuillotineCute commented
Every time I try to configure pando, it doesn't save.
GuillotineCute commented
Is there a way to stop pando from commenting so much in my chat?
Fendreev commented
i love pando!
faoiwowie commented
I have adopted a Pando pet too and my channel absolutely loves to interact with him and watch him level up! BUT it’s confusing that in chat his name is “Pando” even though I renamed him Bandido. For now the work around is that I’ve customized some of the things he says to talk about himself in third-person. So it shows as Pando: Bandido welcomes you to the channel @username!
andreagemes_tv_live commented
TheOneMagicBean commented
Although it has bean a good laugh when "Pando" pops up in chat, being able to have the extension say "Munch" instead would bean helpful!!!
CybaGirl commented
I think this is a much needed to change to make things more transparent in our chats. So can we please have this change?
Thank you for all that you do!
Kaeptn__ commented
Yes, It would be amazing if we could rename the pets chat bot!
Aaron_theEngineer commented
Please help make this request possible. We continue to wish for this support to help make streams more interactive with the viewers.