Make available logging in so we can access followed channels
freekazoid101 commented
It shows that I am following channels and that I'm logged in, but there simply isn't a tab where I can access my followed channels. This seems to be unique to LG TV's (my friend just downloaded twitch on her non LG TV and had the tab).
CODcrashonbuyWTF commented
LG tv app needs to show followed and subbed channels when app starts. Not random trash streams you are trying to force feed us
kReaz_dreamunity commented
it would be nice to see the following features to the LG Twitch App:
- Account / Login support
- Change quality of the stream, be able to select.
- Interact with the chat -
Baralheia commented
Please!! This would make it so much easier to find my followed channels every time, plus allow me to follow new channels right from my TV! Please add this functionality!