Copy Hype train Begin/Progress/End for outbound raids
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- Raid Begin, a channel started a /raid
- Raid progress, the number of users in the raid changed (sensibly capped so not too spammy on the webhook, but if socket, more spammy perhaps)
- Raid End, raid completed or was cancelled.
Yverrr commented
Big +1 on this. I'm currently migrating to EventSub from PubSub for Stream buddy, which is an app IRL streamers use to manage their stream outdoors. They get a popup in the app when a raid is going, similar to the Twitch website.
With the pubsub raid.<channelId>, I was able to show the number of viewers in the raid. But with the current eventsub I will unfortunately loose that information.
wolbee commented
Hopefully commenting on a post almost 3 years old is ok... if not, let me know and I'll make a new one...
Similar to how the PubSub "Raid Created" currently works, "Raid Begin" would fire when a mod/editor or broadcaster uses /raid in chat - it would include the target, the mod who used the command, etc.
Potential use cases include allowing for automated raid messages to be posted in chat, OBS-related changes (like scene switch, source visibility changes, etc), opening the URL for the streamer, blocking raids into the channel (if/when that becomes available through the API), auto-cancelling the raid if not from specific moderators (raids being auto-created was an issue during hate raid attacks last year)...
AdminEric Cressey (Admin, Twitch) commented
We will consider this feature request. Completed outbound raids for a specific broadcaster are possible with the Channel Raid subscription type that is in Beta currently. Could you provide some use cases for how you'd use Raid Begin or Raid Progress?