Channel Analytics API
There needs to be an API that allows for the return of channal analytics.
This would have the reqiured query parameters of: broadcaster_id
Only stating the broadcaster_id could return the following results:
- Average viewers
- Total views
- Average new followers per stream
- Total followers
- Average subscribers per stream
- Total subscribers
- Average minutes watched per stream
- Total minutes watched
It could also return:
- Best performing catagories
- Best performing tags
There would idealy also be some optional query parameters: start-date, end-date, time.
Adding the optional query parameters would also add the result:
- Start date
- End date
- Period
ManKidCS commented
So, its been over 3 years since this was deferred. Can we get something done on this?
Collection of data via the current methods result in much larger costs for both parties, as building any sort of historical data would require constant polling and storage of the results.This data should definitely be scoped by Authorization Code Grants (user must authorize your app to collect this information).
edouard_iosdev commented
+1 How is this still not available in 2023? We could be so much which these data.
Tyler Hunt commented
With analytics already available to game and extension developers, it seems like a major shortcoming that channel analytics aren't available. Just providing a link to download the CSV (like the game and extension analytics endpoints do) would go a long way here, since the only way to get this data currently it to manually download that file through the dashboard.