Gift sub grouping
When a "gift bomb"
there is no way to gather all the gifts into one event.
Each gift in a bomb should have a ID to link it to the header event.
IRC sends a header saying "x is giving out y subs to the community"
But the USERNOTICE events, don't say they belong to that event.
Please provide a way to group the events, something as simple as a "parentid" in the child gifts subs, that'll link to a "childid" in the header event.
This header and extra ID's need to be provided on the PubSub event feed for subscriptions as well.
It might be beneficial to include on webhooks, but Helix doesn't only provide if it a given gift was part of a bomb or not.
We are investigating this for EventSub.
TheLegendTubaGuy commented
There's really no way to get this information from eventsub from what I can tell. This seems super needed.
Soaryn commented
We did it! :D \o/
khans_adventures commented
It is currently 8-1-2023 at the time of writing this, with the latest changes to the API system this year it has broken a lot of "Core Functionality" for devs.
Example: /ts simulate {event:"twitch subscription gift", amount:5}
it will now only ever count as a single subscription gift.
Twitch has changed how multiple gifted subs are read so it is out of our control.
It’s just read as several single gifts now when a Single User Gifts Multiple..So we devs can’t have multiple gifted sub-rule amounts now due to that. etc
I hope Twitch takes a step back and re-thinks what is:
"Core Functionality"
Prior to pushing updates/deprecating API systems without any suitable replacements for them.
Alca commented
I have seen gift sub events appear before the mass subscription event. (e.g.: A gifted B, A gifted B, A gifted B, A is gifting 5 subs to the community, A gifted B, A gifted B) Without a group ID, a service (targeting chat, overlay, etc.) trying to act in real-time wouldn't know to associate the first gift subs with the mass event and be left hanging on collecting for a mass sub group. If a gift sub with a group ID tag is found without a waiting group, it could still be held in a faux group (unless there's already enough information to form most of a group) waiting for the mass sub message with the group ID to complete the group.
Another issue arrives if the service connects/joins in the middle of a mass sub. The service should know to close the group or faux-group after some time period since the last gift sub arrived. I have also personally had less gift subs be given out than purchased, so a group could still be incomplete.