Auto-Deny Unban Requests
I see how the unban request option can be helpful, especially in the situation of accidental bans/misunderstandings, but many bans that are carried out are intentional and for outright hateful behavior, and the unban requests associated with those are usually filled with more hateful speech that mods and streamers shouldn't be exposed to.
It would be very helpful to have an option when banning to say "this was intentional and we don't need any further contact with this user"
Thanks for the request. This was actually our first idea too, but it’s been difficult to think of a way to do it without making the Ban flow too complicated, especially for Mods who are currently using the Mod Action buttons next to messages to Ban.
sarimshaikh21 commented
weeklyfanz I wish more authors of this type of content would take the time you did to research and write so well. I am very impressed with your vision and insight.
jacobthefunk3 commented
i have question do i have send request after 30 day chat ban
Trautman45 commented
a reason why i dont think this would be a good idea, i have seen content creators have a field day with unban requests, even creating other content videos with unban requests. there are other ways to go about this. a perma ban for the content creator to choose would be a good option so it would further decrease the bad or toxic community member to never ask for an unban again. we also need to figure out and to stop them from creating so many other alt accounts to continue to enter the chats and continue their bad/unwanted behavior.
doz commented
Adding a red perma ban button below unban <user> in mod view could be a solution. Or adding a more hidden/passive feature when a streamer blocks a user it prevents them from sending unban request. Makes sense since Twitch prompts you if you want to block a user after you report them.
P.S. As mod I would really like to be able to click on a bad message in user chat history and quickly pin it to mod comments. Or have a history of deleted messages from a user within the mod view panel.
haileeraestout commented
A Streamer Ban Option
Ryuonato commented
Honestly, since the creation of the Mod View, you can just incorporate it there, make the user window that appears over the user list have a "permaban" option, or when you click ban a prompt comes up with two options, one in which denies any attempt to an unban request and submits a report of the chat history of that user to Twitch Community Enforcement Team for the appropriate actions to be taken to ban the user from Twitch for their chat behavior... having to "make extra steps" to ban then report users for community guidelines violations at this point is a burden on streamers and their mod teams.