% Discounts for channel point redeems
Have the ability to discount Redeems by percentage in an easy fashion.
Say for special events, maybe you want to discount some of your redeems by 50%, the only way to do this currently is manually editing the prices of all your redeems manually.
Instead, why not let the Streamer check a number of their redeems, set a discount %, optionally allow them to add a time for how long this discount runs, allow the Streamer to set different discounts for different redeems at the same time, and a button to end the discount, Say you want to end it early or didn't set a timer (This should also be a box ticking system too, so you can end certain redeems discounts but not others without manually doing it one by one)
Obviously including end-user Ui so they know redeems are discounted, similar to how basically any store discounts a product: Slashed out previous price, the new cost, and maybe a -50% in the corner of the button or on the icon/image for that redeem