Replace Watch Streaks with a Stamp Rally system
Basically a solution to the "Watch Streak Reset" problem and a way to better manage and reward regulars.
To explain: Each viewer would start with a "Watch Stamp Card", so to say, with some bonus milestones set by default (every 5 stamps, for example), and others could be custom set by the streamer (every 10 stamps, for example). The default Bonus milestones would be a large amount of points (let's say 500), but streamer-set milestones could vary, could be bonus points every X stamps, or a free points redeem, of something in particular, or... Whatever the streamer decides, really.
As for how Stamps would be redeemed: It would happen automatically after watching some minutes of stream. The accumulated stamps would not be reset unless the streamer wanted to. So if someone had 3 stamps, missed a stream and another, but was able to catch the next, they'd have then 4 stamps total. The Stamp Rally Reset could be done by the streamer in case they wanted to do a monthly event where viewers can get something special to redeem at, say, 20 stamps.