When creating a channel point reward with a custom icon, allow us to only upload the 112x112 image and let it automatically resize
Currently we need to upload 112x112, 56x56, and 28x28 icons when adding a custom icon to a channel point redemption. It's just a small hassle, especially for someone like me who's tinkering with channel point rewards constantly. The automatic resizing is already done for emotes - it would be nice to have it on these icons as well.
iTzLadyy commented
use this website. I couldn't get 28x28 and it worked here :D
Psaldorn commented
A thousand times this, other areas already do this, so it shouldn't be hard to port over.
Kozaka commented
True! Silly why it is not used also there! It is so annoying and boring to reduce the images always and check the size.
And 25KByte is not so good. Maybe a bit higher value would be better.
I do not even where 112px version is used. I see that 56px is used.