make predictions more streamline, less like the hype train
predictions seems to copy the code from hypetrain and just seems really lazy and clunky. no one likes the hype train. use the hypetrain to gain more channel points per level. make it so that the predictions dont have the slow hypetrain logo print all the words of the prediction. as soon as the prediction is posted by the mods, people should be able to immediately vote instead of seeing the prediction scroll through the screen, by the time its ended, the prediction couldve ended, wasting time. i hate this and i think it desperately needs a rework. make it so that when predictions pop up, youre allowed to vote at the top of the chat by just clicking blue or red buttons. instead of the blue and red buttons having to bet a miniscule 10 channel points per click, make it 1% of the channel points or something customizable like this. enable an option for a sound to pop up when predictions are posted, most ppl got streams on second monitors and miss predictions. predictions make streams much more fun but the way that twitch goes about it is bad.