achievement category is a platform which provides achievements for retro games running in emulators, Currently there are only achievement categories for Steam, PSN and Xbox.
If we had a RetroAchievements category we could add achievements to thousands of games which may never have achievement's otherwise. It would be very cool for things like GOG Galaxy 2.0 integration plugins
This is interesting for sure, we would have to look into it. One thing that comes to mind is whether or not those achievement lists are official, or approved by the original developer/publisher, as this could prove tricky from an IP perspective. Since we would redistribute the data, we’re very careful about the source and provenance.
We’ll be looking into this internally first. Thanks!
KingS1zzle commented
Looking forward to this being a category !
CoreTaku commented
Any updates on this @IGDB?
dleocadio commented
RetroAchievements are made by the community, taking account what can be thought as an achievement for every game. It is not approved by the original authors (at least not by the majority of them), but they only work with public information about the games. They are also of open and have and API.