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16 results found

  1. So at the moment Wikia/Fandom is taking a lot of bad coverage due to being a toxic platform, housing a ton of ads, introducing AI and converting the website more into a social media hub than a wiki. With this, wikis are moving away from the platform either to start there own domains (like or switching to as a web-hosting platform.

    Would it be possible to change the Wikia logo to a generalized wiki logo instead?

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    Thank you for raising this, we've been discussing with our community on Discord as well that have raised similar concerns. 

    We're looking at expanding our coverage of wiki beyond specifically wikia or fandom. 

    We're currently researching to update our guidelines, and changes on the site (logos, wording) will be reflected accordingly. 


  2. Net Yaroze should be added as platform distinct from Playstation, there's enough games to justify for it this.

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  3. Hello! I thought it might be neat to see the Apple/Bandai Pippin added as a platform.

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  4. PICO-8 is a Fantasy Console used to play and create games. I feel like this should be added to the categories as this will be my main source when streaming. I think it would be awesome if you guys could add this so I can select this as my category for streaming.

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  5. I tried to search for games with a specific keyword using the advanced search, but that doesn't seem to work. If you enter a keyword and select the result from the dropdown it is added to the input field, but it is not added to the actual search as options like platforms that show up below the input field when selected. The result just stays the same regardless which keywords have been entered. So I think this either does not work, or it is really unintuitive who do use the keyword search and I could not make it work.

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  6. If you select the category for your game it only shows the old Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I believe it should show both the old game and the remaster which is called "Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Remastered Edition"

    Hope I came to the right place as I couldn't find anything for this topic on the Twitch Support page.

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  7. I'd like for twitch to make a category for Genma Onimusha. Onimusha Warlords got re-release in 2002 known as Genma Onimusha. I saw almost all Onimusha games but this.

    This game is exclusive to Xbox and can be played in Xbox360 as backward compatible.

    There is been a lot of misunderstanding on this game when I reached out IGDB to amend changes. I was told to reach out here via UserVoice, If I want this game to have its own category in twitch.

    Although, I also want to stress and clarify that this game is not a port but a…

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  8. Add a way to add photos to person pages

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  9. When you click on the personalize button on the home page, there is no Playstation 5 or Xbox Series XS options there. It should be there?

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    Hey! Yes that is absolutely correct the new gen platform should be there.
    We’ll take a look into that, thank you for pointing it out!

  10. far cry 6 has not been released on google stadia, but it shows that it is. please change this immediately.

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    Hey! thanks for pointing it out. It seems to be due to a bug rather than a false release mind you. We’re taking a look!

    As a note, if you do spot some incorrect data you are able to edit and submit an update in case :)


  11. TL;DR: Some way to differentiate canonical franchise entries from noncanonical ones would be awesome.

    First off, I love that IGDB accepts and maintains data about ROM hacks, fan games, and other "unofficial" titles. It really helps the platform's position and usability as a database for all games of all kinds.

    That being said, when looking through the search results for a franchise like Pokemon, there are an incredible number of these unofficial games mixed into the results, many of which are built off of the existing, official games. There's nothing (as far as I can tell, anyway) in the metadata…

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    Hi there! We couldn't agree more that we need something to differentiate official and unofficial content and we've been discussing for a while how we can do that. We are currently investigating ways forward to make sure that when we do this, it's done correctly. Thanks for the great suggestion!

  12. IGDB frequently logout me on mobile browser (firefox for android), after day or two, sometimes more.

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  13. The TI-84 Graphing calculator can play certain video games and some made exclusive for it. I don't see why it couldn't be on IGDB.

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  14. Add information about if a game is on/included in a subscription service.

    Such as gamepass or stadia (included with the stadia sub)

    And if a removal date exists (as games will leave gamepass)

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  15. (Confirmed in the pipeline)
    In addition to Steam and mobile platforms, links to the web storefronts of additional platforms would be helpful.


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    Update on this, we identified one possible issue which is that unlike PC stores, most console links are region specific.
    So we’re investigating how we could either generalised them or whether we’d introduce this when we tackle localization of IGDB.
    Stay tuned!

  16. Few companies maintain the same name forever. Some rename, merge, are bought out, or generally acquired. It would be helpful to manage the progression of various devs and publishers with a timeline progression and/or a tree of ownership.

    1) Squaresoft > Square > Square and Enix merge > SquareEnix

    2) Namco and Bandai merge > Namco Bandai > Bandai Namco Games

    3) Activision and Blizzard Merge > Create holding company called Activision Blizzard that owns the two companies Activision and Blizzard.

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    We are looking at redoing our company data taxonomy, part of which is possibly adding several ‘layers’ to companies, such as Divisions for example.

    Companies are a bit lacking at the moment as we historically have been focusing on Games, but we gradually intend to start giving them more love :)

    Stay tuned!

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