Twitch Emotes for gifted subs
Please give us more emote slots for people who gift subs to a channel! It's unfair that giving bits gives a user emotes, but people who prefer gifting subs, get nothing.
MissChibiGoddess commented
ya know what yes this.
JonyJoe7 commented
Agree It will be more income for artist also people love emote collectors should spam more sub to get thos
MrSombraPR commented
This should be a thing, gifting subs should reward users with emotes, this would be amazing.
Loupiopio commented
I would like to submit the idea of allowing emotes for subgift donors in the chat.
Bit donors already have their own custom badges and their own emotes depending on the level of donation.
(Currently bit donors have this: 1000 bits = 1 emotes, 5000 bits = 1 emotes, etc ....)I would like to propose the idea of allowing subgift donors to also have their emotes in the chat.
(For example: 5 subgift = 1 emotes, 10 subgift = 1 emotes, 25 subgift = 1 emotes, 50 subgift = 1 emotes, 100 subgift = 1 emotes, 250 subgift = 1 emotes, 500 subgift = 1 emotes and 1000 subgift = 1 emotes)
As a result, the possibility of modifying the subgift donor badges at the same time. (I know for the badges the idea has already been proposed but I haven't seen the idea for the emotes, so I do a double offer at once)
The advantage of such a proposal is to offer two methods of donation on a channel in addition to the subs subscription to have emotes and thus not offer an advantage for the bit donors and leave the subgift donors with nothing.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
Loupiopio(ps: I am using a French to English translator so I hope there is no translation error)
BombyD commented
Yes! I keep talking about this every time. The threshold at which a person will get the gift badge should also award them with an extra emote available globally, just like the bits ones. Maybe at 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 etc.
JnJsMom47 commented
Yes considering the cost to gift a sub, the fact that you get no reward for it is disappointing. This should without a doubt be a feature. This also allows affiliated streamers options to get more emote slots as well.