Give users an option to not show certain emotes
Give users the option to remove certain emotes so they don't show up in chat, like hiding all the Kpop emotes
Flare commented
Please give us the option to opt out of global emotes (sub emotes) on our channels like during the beginning of twitch. Some streamers have common words as prefixes, so you can't just block the terms with a wildcard and many have headache inducing emotes that I don't want to see.
gary_windshield commented
Guys I recommend installing ublock Origin -> right click on emoji -> "Block elements". Works on separate emojis
bleenki commented
DJArianeV commented
@horridspore87ttv - YES! I still don't know why this is not an option. There exists three vertical dots to the right, where you can report a streamer's emotes. Why not add another option to simply DELETE that streamer entirely? This would be solid GOLD, Twitch!
DJArianeV commented
This would be amazing! I have to view an emote of a woman who bullied me on Twitch for months and I am so sick of seeing it, it really makes me anxious every time I scroll down the list to select emotes to use in channels. PLEASE make this option a reality in the near future. Thank you!
horridspore87ttv commented
i see emotes of people i dont support and want nothing to do with and cant unseee when i go to emotes please allow us to remove emotes in the emote section
AliveWithPassion commented
In addition, Why are emotes from streamers I have ban or blocked still showing up as follower emotes on my streamer emote list. Come on Twitch do better.
gary_windshield commented
Some of the emotes are literally pornographic and I can't do anything to hide them except to hide them all which is obviously not a good option.
MrSombraPR commented
Lildude136, there's a chat option not to animate the emotes
lildude136 commented
My friend has epilepsy and can trigger seizures as ppl send animated, flashy, emotes, make accounts, able to not see emotes. Or at least animated ones. As a viewer
FaeAlicia commented
The point is to hide them entirely on a *user* end, not a streamer/moderator end. The blocked phrases list isn't good enough.
Some emotes are literally trauma triggers for some people. For me, the L U L emote features a literal neonazi who was known for harassing women, of which I was one. Just seeing his face is enough to bring back memories of the time I was told over and over by his followers to go kill myself - all while they put swastikas in their pfps. That's not something I should have to be subjected to every time I open the emote menu, let alone look in chats.
I have a separate uservoice thing going to get said neonazi removed like pogchamp was, but the point is that the ability to completely hide a given emoji from the user side is a real matter of safety for some people and needs to be a thing.
KimmyEatsPancakes commented
You can blacklist emotes from the moderation page. All channel emotes will start with the same prefix. You just blacklist anything with that prefix or if you want to block emotes from the default Twitch emotes just add the named emote to the blacklist. Only you and mods will be able to use it then. I do agree though you should be able to just choose which ones appear. I mean you can blacklist it, but anyone in your chat will still see that emote in the menu, try and use it, then might leave if their emote seems blocked.
As a test I just blacklisted BigBrother because it's an ugly emote no one uses. I could see it in the menu and post it, but one of my viewers could not post it. :)
HoopleHeadUSA commented
At a minimum don’t show any emotes from accounts you’ve blocked. Sometimes people turn out to be trash and you don’t want anything to do with them anymore
JannahYall commented
yes plsssss. I tried blocking someone but their emotes are still there
MystryHoo commented
I just want that HypeCreep spider gone. It makes me not want to use twitch. It's be great if I could hide it for myself.
AHL67 commented
@urut0raman Indeed, I'm a bit embarrassed because I didn't notice the idea was about the chat specifically, I was actually thinking it was about the emote picker.
I'm not concerned (yet) by this idea but I will keep my support to it since I understand the issue it may be for many people.
Then for the emote picker the second most upvoted in this category ("Allow us to Reorder the Emote Menu") may be more appropriate. -
urut0raman commented
@AHL67 Nope, "all the pride emotes are just useless" PLUS "i have no interest in having those in the display"" means he is talking about the emote menu, not chat itself
AHL67 commented
@urut0raman No, this is actually the same idea: hide emotes you don't want to see on a case by case basis, whatever the reason is.
urut0raman commented
@vic_tso The thing you want is then not relevant to this thread, but a new one:
Being able to make a subselection of which you want shown, AKA, favorites.
This thread is about banning emotes from channels that are problematic to a person. As in, they won't show in chat.
Vic_TSO commented
I was going to submit my feedback about this, certain emotes are just useless, i have no interest in having those in the display, would like them to be removed and have the option to delete other emotes in the future if needed
(Edited by admin)