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73 results found

  1. Ik zie niet waar de verdiensten van afgelopen maand gebleven zijn, staat niet bij uitbetalingen, maar ook niet meer bij mijn totaal inkomen, dat is vreemd...

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    This is something better assisted by our support team so they can take a closer look into this.

    Please reach out to them at so they can help you troubleshoot whats going on.

    Best of luck!

  2. I think that a "Safe Space" tag would be good for streamers who want to show that their chat is a safe place for anybody to be welcome. Especially with the push for better mental health, having a welcoming space is amazing and being able to show that a stream is a safe space through a tag would be great

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    So sorry we missed this thread before. We have added a Safe Space to Twitch!

    Thank you so much for feedback like this, if there are any other tags you would like to see on Twitch please let us know in the Tags category on UserVoice.

  3. Normal to lose 6.8k followers in 1 hr? Deleted? Hacked? WTFF ?? SOmething ?

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Definitely not normal but could be because of a few different reasons.

    Please reach out to our team at and they can help you take a closer look into what happened here.

    Best of luck!

  4. Bonjour,

    Je propose cette option étant une bonne viewer, Twitch à normalement pour réglementation de ne pas accorder les streams qui abuse sur le plan érotique etc, Plusieurs streameuse (car il faut l'avouer c'est plus des filles qui en profite que des hommes) en abuse pour se faire de l'argent, hors il y a d'autre site pour ce genre de "prestation". Je suit plein de chaîne et j'ai un nombre d'heure dessus de respectable !! Je participe à plein de stream et encourage plein de streamer. Mais je trouve honteux que twitch laisse des streameuse comme amouranth etc ... faire…

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  5. Merhaba

    Ben yayıncı AlpEymenPerfect bugün twitch kanalıma bot atıldı 4kdan fazla. Bu botları sildirmek istiyorum.

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  6. my followers have been taken awy i was on 160 now on 47 and they was all taken

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    So sorry you are running into issues with this.

    Please reach out to our team at so they can help you take a deeper look into this.

  7. hi would there be any form of help with me setting up a stream for people who strugle to read & wright so they dont feel embraed to type in chat many times ive been in someones chat and been laught at and shamed a little bit. i think no one should have to think down about them self for some thing they find hard to do. who konws this may get alot more people that want to give streaming a go with dixlixa

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  8. Please change my twitch username to just "ws" because i dont want the numbers

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  9. You promote BLM, LGBTQ+, women's day. Why not celebrate the 200 years since the Greek revolution the whole word is celebrating right now?

    You can do that by painting your site in blue & white, by making an emote or by promoting Greek streamers perhaps. You can definitely show a token of appreciation

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  10. Brand New PS5 Streaming Directly To Twitch. Hit Broadcast, Enter My Game Title & A Snippet Of Info, Turn It On. Stream 1 Hr...Stop...Have A Friend Look Up My Channel & He Said, "that for 2 streams" no "recently streamed" was showing, nor did the actual stream have any cover art. It's just a 404error.....Would someone fix this? It's not the "STREAMERS" fault when everything else works correctly. It's TWITCH's end causing the Fup's!

    ****! Quit treating streamers like they are idiots when we KNOW it's not our end of the stream causing problems...

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. A search feature for followed streamers

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  13. Hi,

    Is it possible to add a Studio One (Presonus) channel to Stream. A lot of producer used DAW system, would be good to use twitch platform.

    What do you think?


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  14. i want to e foumuse

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  15. Listen I love twitch..... and streams.... but it's becoming very hard to find small streams.
    fix it please

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  16. I'm tired of tiddy-streamers being proposed to. And as soon as I have watched a channel, it appears in the list of recommended channels.
    I would like to have a way to determine which channels are no longer suggested to me.
    So one way to blacklist channels instead of favouriting them.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    When you are recommended a channel you would rather not see you can click the three dots under that specific stream and it will have an option that says ‘Not Interested’ this will keep from you getting recommended that streamer again.

  17. I don't know if this is the right place to make this request, but I'm a regular in the streams of iamelisabete, and I have been for almost 16 months. In that time, she has grown to be one of the biggest ASMR streamers on the platform. She regularly pulls down over 1,500 viewers, along with a substantial Just Chatting and gameplay community. The fact that she hasn't been granted partner yet is an embarrassment and a poor reflection on Twitch itself. She submits over 30 hours of content every week, and she closely follows each of Twitch's guidelines. She…

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  18. It has been more than 3 weeks since to check the process and I have more than the average and I still do not receive my affiliate confirmation

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still running into issues I would recommend reaching out to our team at so they can help you troubleshoot this issue.

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  20. 是不是twitch服務出問題了?我追隨很久的一個主播去看她直播的時候發現自己追隨消失了 是我可能自己意外取消了嗎。請查查是什麼問題。而且是今天才發生的事情。我昨天還在看。如果是twitch問題可以說下嗎而且意見反饋問題沒了總是會跳走。而且我不知道屬於什麼問題 。所以能有意見反饋嗎

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