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73 results found

  1. How about you give us the actual viewer count... When I have 3 people talking in my chat and I'm only being credited for 2 views while I'm trying to reach affiliate status it tells me something is wrong.... I have screenshots from a friend who was watching the stream at the time...

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  2. I suggest to add a gaming call auto chess多多自走棋。It is a popular game in the world. It can attract a lot of viewers. Please contact me. Thanks

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  3. CSGO Madness; Funny, Angry, Clever, Singing and Sound Special-Effects.

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  4. I accidentally pressed the Unfollow button when I tried to press the Notification button. However, the follow was released immediately without further notice, so my follow record was initialized. Could you move the unfollow button or create an additional dialog to prevent accidental unfollowing?

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    So sorry for missing this, but we now have a confirmation button that pops up before you unfollow someone now.

    Hopefully this helps with keeping you from accidentally unfollowing someone!

  5. How to redeem an account that is registered to another person, but the account is already abandoned and support is silent?

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  6. 아니 왜 인기체널이 추천되는건가요?
    장난 하시나요???
    원래 다른게 추천되는데 갑자기 인기체널에 내가 안 보는것들만 추천이 되였있어요
    이거 취소 어떻게하나요??

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  7. NewChannelErikEU (I am a viewer - not a streamer) (This is a test) ,
    MY SITE : , Greatings from EUROPE.

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  8. making a team channel

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. There are some interesting new ideas, like Video trailer, and social media links, but honestly for 2 new interesting Ideas, the new Layout is way too complicated.

    Panels have been streamers way of getting more info out about themselves. I don't know why the "Home" tab and the "Chat" tab can't be merged: Keep the "Chat" layout and have the "Video Trailer" where the Stream Video usually is. and I agree that people should be able to opt out from the whole video trailer thing, so they can keep their offline screens.

    The rest of the Home Tab, and About…

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  11. I mainly use my MacBook Pro (Resolution: 1440x900) to watch Twitch Streams. I find it frustrating that Twitch looks like it's made primary for people with higher resolution screens.

    I'd like to suggest a more condensed UI and less clutter when viewing Channels. Please add an option to completely close the left panel that shows Followed Channels, Recommended Channels, and Recommended Friends. Move some of the buttons so that it appears more organized. Specifically I'd like to see the button for Whispers moved over to the Stream Chat so it's not awkwardly floating above the stream information box.

    I created…

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  12. Hi

    Have filter out on pc, Xbox, ps5 or playstation to filter out video games. thnks

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  13. I wish to make a showreel off all indie animator short fil animations putting them on show for the world to see.
    This will allow students from all around the world to show case their artistic abilities within the shortfilm industry on twitch and this could lead to job opportunities for them or even just making a for themselves

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. 정지된 채널의 언팔로우 하는 기능을 요청합니다

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  16. There is someone who make accountes and follows, their name start with manolia. I try to ban, kick, report them but they are not going away. I am sure that they are bots because i can't find them when i search their names.

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  17. how is it you ban a streamer for just talking to a banned streamer, yet you say no sexual content and there are literally a page of half naked chicks doing literally nothing but writing names on their body parts? yall need to fix your support staff

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  18. schmeißt doch mal die ganzen weiber raus die auf sexcam seiten gehören. ich komme online und mir wird irgendsoeine vorgeschlagen die mir ASMR AM OHR LECKEN WILL IN LEGGINGS IN DENEN SICH ALLEES!!!! ABZEICHTNET zudem noch LASZIVER POSE AUF DEM BETT !!!

    was stimmt nicht mit euch???? ehrlich...

    so ein ********! ihr entwickelt euch zu einer sexcam seite! merkt ihr das nicht?

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  19. Buenas.
    Me presento, soy Genaro Salvador Brunelli mi nombre de usuario de la plataforma es Thetricksyeah. El día de la fecha (14/06/2021 ) he llegado a cumplir los requisitos para obtener el afiliado en la plataforma y a la hora de reclamar me ocurre un error.
    Llevo aproximadamente 50 hs de transmisión y 13 días transmitiendo en la plataforma, el hecho de que esto esté ocurriendo me fastidia debido a que a mi nadie me devuelve las horas que me pase transmitiendo y por eso solicito que puedan habilitarme la opción.
    Desde ya muchísimas gracias y saludos cordiales

        -Brunelli Genaro
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  20. To be able to block streamers/channels so they don't show.

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    Closed  ·  mouse responded

    You can do this by selecting the three vertical dots on a recommendation and choosing “Not Interested”.

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