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2 results found

  1. Good morning,

    Guys, every time there is an event on Twitch, like SUBtemper for example, there is always a bug in the website interface when I use it in my native language which is Brazilian Portuguese.

    In short, in the bottoms and divs, or in the boxes that normally exist on any website in general, when I use the website in Brazilian Portuguese localization, I always come across bugs in the interface, in which the positioning of these elements exceeds the proposed limit on the website, and the element hides in another element, or is inside another div. As a…

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  2. In Norwegian, when you click on "Bla gjennom" - > "Kategorier" -> "{game}" (Browse -> Category -> {game} in English) there is a highlighted stream running at the top. The button of which to watch the stream says "Følg strømmen" which translates to "Follow the stream". The word "Følg" is also used by Twitch to actually follow the stream, so it is very confusing. In English Twitch the "Følg strømmen" is "Join Stream", which makes alot more sense. You should find a better translation in Norwegian, like "Se på" (Watch), "Se på strømmen" (Watch the stream) or "Bli med" (Join).

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