"Save" "Export" & "Import"
My proposal is to be able to save our configurations of the direct ones at the design level and be able to take it from one computer to another, regardless of the operating system.
To do this, Twitch Studio by using the "Export" command would create a compressed file in which all the images, videos, audios, settings and other files that are needed to configure our live would be included.
When transporting it to another computer, we would use the "Import" option which would take that compressed file and install it in the Twitch Studio folder for later use.
I think programmers should skip the audio and capture hardware settings because of the difficulty of getting this to work properly from one computer to another, if they do it and it works, great.
a greeting
-----------> AND VOTE IS IDEA
RedwoodElf commented
This would be great, even if I would only ever use it to save the Stream info for various streams, so I could just do a quick load if I want to switch from, say, Playing Dungeons and Dragons Online, to playing Starcraft without having to spend 5 minutes editing the Stream Info before going online.
ChrisYoru commented
Debería existir alguna forma de exportar las plantillas ya configuradas
de las diversas escenas con los enlaces a medios (imágenes, vídeos, GIFs...), textos, capas... empleados en tus capas para poder importar tu configuración a otro dispositivo en caso de cambiar de PC, por ejemplo.Algo así como el archivo de proyecto en servicios como Photoshop, Premiere...