Dedicated Audio Sources
Similar to Nvidia Geforce Experience. Where you can separate your audio sources, but take it a step further?
Option 1: "Desktop Capture" as traditionally done by most software.
Option 2: Manually adding sources... ie: Game Capture Audio, Mic Input, Discord Audio etc.
This way a person can choose to either capture the entire desktop audio spectrum, or to have dedicated channels where a person can control individual audio levels for stream output.
I hate having to lower my music because it's too loud for viewers. Know what I mean? This way a streamer could have his audio as high as they want locally, and manually adjust what the stream uses for output.
v3x3r commented
This absolutely needs to be done. Its real weird being on stream and a viewer not being able to hear my discord audio so they only get 1 piece of the conversation I having with my squard.
slauka commented
They are currently investigating this! ^_^