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Twitch Studio

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Twitch Studio



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518 results found

  1. I wished Twitch Studio had a background service you could toggle on and have it run in the background so that you could make easy recordings without having to open the program first. similar to how the game bar in windows 10 works. just press the hot key and it is recording. the picture quality and sound quality in twitch studio is so much better than in game bar so for us YT this could be a nice addition to easy record snippets here and there during the day.

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  2. For mobile users, please add the ability to control playback speed like the desktop website has.

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  3. To be able to queue up a few images to cycle would be nice. (Example: showing off different fanart, etc)

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  4. I would love to see a place where you can find community made layout to use or theme packages. also pre-made donations, new subs, sub counters ect. to put into your own layout

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  5. I think there should be an option to make it to where when you are streaming you can add the feature of being able to add a controller icon. I don't exactly know if you have the option or not, but just suggesting it just in case...

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  6. Adding more video platforms to export videos, to provide more options than youtube.

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  7. Increasing and adding the option to have longer video length split segments when exporting to youtube. The current length segment is only 15 Minutes but adding the option of 30 minutes and 60 minutes would be helpful when exporting to youtube.

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  8. It would be really cool to be able to stream and record at the same time, but not have the recording contain certain layers (like streamelements alerts or overlays). This would be similar to the NDI plugin available for Streamlabs, I believe.

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  9. please, integrate with the resources of streamelements, example: donation system.

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  10. Possibility to put transmission delay. In the case of Muiti-player games with strategy and competition, the delay is indispensable!

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  11. It should be right like the website, with all informations that we have there like amount of followers, etc.

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  12. 24/ 7 News cycle on Twitch
    Digital anchors, with scrolling text and breaking news.

    Behind scenes, we provide content for the channel.

    Upload text to voice for anchors
    And content for scrolling text across the screen.

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  13. An Android/iOs app to control the stream options like start and stop stream, sound, change scenes...

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  14. Have the ability to turn on a feature that shows what song is currently being played from iTunes, Pandora, or Spotify

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  15. Match other streaming software in refreshing web page plugins on scene changes. This allows for doing counters and other things based on scene changes.

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  16. Makes some sort of twitch software so that i can stream from my chromebook.

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  17. Hotkeys to add ads, markers and clips as you can do on the dashboard
    so you can make them with 1 click on the keyboard instead of having a browser windows open all the time to make them

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  18. Hotkeys para añadir anuncios, marcadores y clips así como puedes hacer en el dashboard

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  19. Viewer list i can click that shows even muted people.

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  20. As a streamer who streams either on his personal channel and on a WebTV, it could be nice that we could chose which channel we could stream at with Twitch Studio (as they gave me access to the Dashboard, a dropdown menu saying which channel I want to stream to).

    It could be nice too if this supports alerts on the concerned Twitch channel, so I would be able to stream with Twitch Studio without asking for access to the account.

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