[Experiment] Making Cheering Easier
For a limited time, within a select number of channels, we’re testing a different way to Cheer through direct purchase Cheering.
Direct purchase Cheering allows you to unlock a fun community benefit through monetary payment, rather than through Bits. This experiment is only available to select creators and you must be located in the U.S. to participate. If you have any further questions please refer to our help article (https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/cheering-experiment-2022?language=en_US)
We look forward to hearing your feedback on this!
OGprodigy commented
This breaks that UI on pop-out chat as soon as the cheer interface is opened (have to refresh the page to fix): https://i.imgur.com/BpsG1gK.gif
RainbowLlamas commented
This is absolutely horrible for everyone except twitch's accountants. Reducing the flexibility for viewers, and overall giving streamers less, while also being very opaque about how much is being given.
If this is implemented sitewide, I will begin donating exclusively off platform to streamers who I wish to support. I will not give twitch $1 in exchange for paying a streamer 38¢.
NewPointless commented
are you trying to run the platform into the ground?
paper__crane commented
Reducing flexibility, reducing ability to customize alerts based on amounts, making how much the streamer gets less transparent, *and* increasing Twitch's cut of the money? No, this is a terrible thing. If you take away bits then I suspect people are going to go much harder on Ko-Fi and other alternatives that ALREADY take less of a cut and are flexible on amounts.
MetalMachine commented
This is awful, for both viewers and streamers. Really really really bad idea. Like, an extraordinarily poor experience. Bits are superior in every way. Also, it should've been opt-in rather than opt-out. But this is a clear cash-grab by twitch, which is quickly becoming a streamer and viewer hostile platform.
YettiExplores commented
Do not like:
I can pre-purchase bits and know how many I have for the month/etc.
Streamers can have special alerts for varying bits numbers, this has twitch-defined amounts.
100 bits is fun! $1 is cheap. This feeling will decrease the desire to participate. For better or worse, money is uncomfortable for a LOT of people.
twitchycofuzed commented
HATE IT! I pre-paid for my bits to cheer, and now I couldn't use them. If anything, you should have allowed the OPTION to pay directly with money.
Harley_Frost commented
Very upset about the cheer. Streamer I watch was moving and didn't get to opt out of this. Now no alerts are working for the stream. Can't do amounts I want. You should have set it up as an opt in.
acidicstonee commented
This cheering system is not okay, Every streamer spends COUNTLESS hours making bit alerts and making sure that their stream is enjoyable to their community. By doing this your taking away from the enjoyment and fun of the channels for the viewers and also upsetting your streamers. Take away the cheering system, all your trying to do is fix something that wasn't broken in the first place
vernisious commented
I did not enjoy cheer experiment. Lame. The Gentlemen did in no way influence this review. I made my own mind up after 'cheering'. It felt more like boo-ing
dakota_dean commented
In the current bits system, it is very apparent how much money I am spending as well as how much money is going directly to the creator. In this new experiment, it is incredibly difficult to calculate how much money I am actually giving to the creator. This lack of transparency will lead to me never once using this new system if it is implemented. Instead, I will opt to donate directly to the streamer and forego any on-site perks that might be earned through donating.
On another note, I am appalled at the low percentage dedicated to the streamer. Only 80% *after* fees is much lower than they deserve.
Finally, only allowing donations in predetermined amounts makes donating less desirable, both for those trying to donate smaller amounts (like $25) and for those few circumstances when someone wishes to donate large amounts (like $1000).
In short, this new system seems to be aimed at making donations an awful process for everyone involved and should not be permanently implemented. -
The_Magnificent_Kevin commented
As a viewer, I think this is a horrible idea, and does not make cheering easier. As it is now, I can make a single purchase of bits and use it to support multiple creators in any amount that I want. Forcing me to make a separate purchase for every cheer is very inconvenient, and having fixed monetary cheer amounts unnecessarily limits my freedom in supporting creators.
Furthermore, this system obfuscates how much money streamers actually get. I know that 1 bit = 0.01USD, but how much goes to the streamer if I give a $1 cheer? It's not clear up-front, and from reading into your plans, I see that it's less than they would get under the current system. I suspect that is the real motivation here, but if I want to support the creators I love there is no reason for me to use Twitch instead of direct payments.If this is implemented sitewide I will never cheer through Twitch again.
HamOfJustice commented
I don't see any upsides to using this instead of bits for your viewers and creators, other than the temporary emote gimmick.
Dare I ask what you're gaining from suggesting this arbitrary limitation of amounts (what's with that huge gap between 10 and 50), obfuscation of actual creator earnings (they sure aren't actually getting a dollar), and even loss of thematic flavor (gems)? There must be something going on to justify this either unnecessary addition or outright downgrade to your system that does what you have already implemented except worse.
Streamers are feeling outright attacked by having this feature forced upon them and taking away something that already worked.
strngliz84 commented
Choosing an opt out system seems problematic, especially when the change can make major portions of a streamers notifications API stop working. Not giving a choice to the viewers is also somewhat problematic, as web based users would not have the ability to give partial amounts of a dollar either. This plan doesn't seem to be well though out, and negatively impacts the streamer and the viewer. Please allow an opt out again for those who may have missed the original opportunity.
lordwojeski commented
This doesn't sound easier especially since I can't choose a custom amount. Also I make a lot of small donations which will cost creators and twitch a lot in extra fees to paypal.
SirVire commented
I don't know if this is a good or bad thing for the Streamer i want to support, but man, it breaks a lot of stuff and kills a lot of the joy from cheering for the community.
As such, I'm of the opinion that the system adds un-needed complications and wish the devs to retool or roll back completely. Thank you.
SantanaBanana commented
If I could opt out immediately, I would.
This experiment is awful and adversely effects my stream. I have lost 20% revenue from this "experiment" and my chat engagement from bits is eliminated - no alerts, no hype train, no emotes.
This "experiment" greatly hurts those streamers who get more bits than subs. You should discontinue it immediately.
I hate it, my viewers hate it. Bits are great, there is no need to fix something that isn't broken.
enjoythecompany commented
This is obviously a cash grab and I cannot see how this positively impacts the viewer or the streamer. It only puts cash into the pockets of those who want to increase their bottom line. This is not an 'experiment', but it is a creeping corporate cash grab. Look at what happened to Netflix. There is a reason why YouTube does not compete on the same level, nor RPan, or InstaLive. The creator/viewer focus is what makes Twitch relevant. Don't make your platform irrelevant because of the need to satisfy the leeches at the top. You will never make enough money, and you will never make them happy. Let's just focus on making things good for the people who make the platform what it is, not pandering to leeches. Thanks.
deepvoidmage_zelza commented
this is an awful system. not only because the way it was announced and implemented was shady and unethical in my opinion. but it broke many bit alerts of my favorite streamers, thus making the stream overall slightly lest enjoyable.
BrassRabbit commented
This does not making cheering easier. Furthermore it hurts the revenue stream of all creators including your next top creators. I feel as though this change will push new content creators away from your platform and current creators to move to other avenues of donations / revenue accrual which will end up hurting you as a platform.