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10 results found

  1. With the new ability to unlock emotes with bits badges, it would be nice for streamers to give aways bits codes to their community. Streamers currently can gift subs, this would be another way that they could give back to their community.

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  2. I noted on twitter the UI for the auto bits has no restriction on time (ie refill X amount of times per month). This could be exploited on a compromised account that set up the auto buying of bits, as the bits would be spent and then twitch would automatically buy more.

    Also people do get heated in a "bit war" and I could see this leading to issues where it it draws multiple times to keep the donation war going.

    Simple changes would include: 1) a way to restrict how often bits can auto refill and 2) A confirmation…

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  3. Letting people buy bits with their Xbox currency

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  4. Have a week or weekend that all bits are doubled or on sale. Maybe for Thanksgiving or Black Friday, or even Christmas. I know this would help everyone involved that the bits are used for.

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  5. If we get more, easier, options to buy bits/subs. More viewers and creators will buy them. For example me. It just gives more comfort in buying them and its way faster.

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  6. According to this page:

    "Bits prices are not automatically updated to accurately reflect changes in currency exchange rates, so we have to periodically review and manually make changes to prices in other currencies."

    It is time to review the prices. Polish users are being charged 30% more at current exchange rates than US users.

    For example, on mobile, Polish users are charged 10.99 PLN for 95 bits, which converts to $2.61 at today's exchange rates. US users are charged only $1.99 for 95 bits.

    Thus, Polish users are being charged 31% more for the same number of bits.


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  7. que bajen de precio los bits son muy caros y solo por mandar un mensaje

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  8. YO twitch, I got money in my paypal sitting ready to be used.
    why is paypal an option if the money just sitting in my account not
    good enough for you, I shouldnt have to have bank card or a cc for it.
    I got the cash, you pay me through paypal, I am a streamer. My money
    not good enough for you? only way I see is canada twitch gift cards but
    thats so out of my way where I live and where it is, dont know if amazon
    will scam me if I give them my paypal money…

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  9. Bit fiyatları Türkiye Cumhuriyeti için çok pahalı.
    Lütfen yüzde 300 zam değil yüzde 300 indirim yapınız. Bağış yapmak için bir maaş ödemek mantıklı mı sizce

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  10. Would be awesome if we could use Dogecoin and the likes to tip and cheer! :)

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