Improving Bits as a Whole
As a Twitch streamer, I believe these can be improved to make bits a more fun and rewarding options for viewers:
- Up to 5 Animated emotes as an option for bit emote rewards that streamers can put in any slot.
- Allow streamers to give their bot access to using bit emotes. Currently, partnered streamers can give permanent tier 3 subs to bots, but this doesn't give the bot access to bit emotes.
- Currently, bit badges go up to 5 million. It should go higher.
- Expand the current channel points system to include redemptions with bits
I think these improvements would encourage many more people to use bits!
DadyPilou commented
Bonjour, j'ai un jeux pokemon installer sur mon stream où on lance les pokeball et faisont des combat pvp avec les points de chaîne qui lance une animation sur le stream (ex: pokeball: 100pt, greatball : 500pt etc) et d'autres fonctions avec les points de chaîne. j'ai une demande de mes viewers sur le rachat de point de chaîne avec des bits. (exemple: remboursement de 300pt de chaîne pour 100 bits)
il serait bien que les viewers puissent voir ce qu il ont dépenser et donc de disponible au remboursement avec les tarifs bits que le streamer pourrait configurer lui même.
Car la seul solution que j'ai trouver est de garder les points non valider (l'action se fait quand même) d'attendre la demande sur le chat, que le viewers envoie les bits pour que je rejet sa commande afin qu il ait son remboursement.J'imagine donc un bouton à coter de celui des point de chaîne appeler rachat de points de chaîne avec une fenêtre et les points et tarifs disponibles.
En attendant si quelqu un a une meilleur solution je suis preneur
VaughnWhiskey commented
I have read a few threads but feel it only touches on my idea a bit but my idea is allowing channel points rewards to also have the option to use bits to redeem them.
I have a visual reward for 1000 channel points OR 100 bits.
This idea would give chatters more options on things to use bits with instead of in-chat and the normal type alerts.
For example
That redeemable overlay THE END is for 1000 channel points but I would also like a viewer to buy/redeem that for 100 but not every time like a normal bit reward.
Hopefully, this makes sense.
Vaughn -
snowy_kane commented
Its been several years since the 1.25M - 5M bit badges were added to accommodate those who've given that much support. Some people have already hit the highest 5M bit tier in some channels, I think it would be a good idea to increase this once again up to 10M.
If one were to continue the trend of widening the jump between the previous badges, there should be 5 additional badges added, in increments of 1M, (6M, 7M, 8M, 9M, 10M).
I've heard talk about Twitch experimenting with a different way to cheer without bits, and if that is to become the standard, I think this idea becomes even more important to give recognition to those who've given such a large amount of support using bits.
ShadowMajisty commented
I would love to see this happen! Also my viewers said... "How has this not happened yet?" lol
Se serait sympa de proposer aux viewers la possibilité (moyennant un coût faible en bits de l'ordre de 50 à 100) de lancer des vidéos ou des effets en live de la même façon qu'en utilisant les points de chaînes. Je prends l'exemple de mes lives, lors de mes cast sur le jeu Age Of Empire 2 DE, je suis le seul à pouvoir lancer une OLA de spartiates à la couleur des joueurs in game afin de les encourager. Cette fonction permettrais aux viewers souhaitant soutenir leur favoris d'envoyer également une OLA.
8bitScientist commented
As the title states, allow channels to add redemptions alongside channel point redemptions and rewards that costs bits instead. Allows for ways to make "premium" rewards and redemptions that also support the streamer.
RaceSmokie commented
I would like to have possibility to setup Custom Rewards to be used with bits not just with channel points. Some rewards for channel points & bits and some only for bits. For some I can give possibility to be "purchased" with 1000 channel points or with 100 bits and some just for 500 bits. Price for that need to be up to streamer.