API to CRUD the new "Profile Block"
Please provide an API to allow developers to create update and fetch the new "profile block" at the top of panels.
IE the new Social links section and the new bio/description block
trevspires commented
Any updates?
I need this for a work project, and some personal research also.
The company I work for wants to integrate with twitch, and this specific feature is what's preventing us from building it right now.
Happy to elaborate more offline on what we're building.
NoSkillzJustKillz commented
Any update on this as I think getting social links is a big plus
FlikstRR commented
This would be amazing If i was able to get a users socials from their twitch profile (if they had willingly entered it) and when doing a shoutout be able to link their twitter/insta etc..
big thing for us creative streamers
BarryCarlyon commented
My original comment in this theead is a correction to the uservoice as the uservoice referred to the description.
Description is get/set able via users
This uservoice is about getting/setting social media links
Panels uservoice is here -> https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310213-developers/suggestions/39702337-api-to-crud-panels-for-streamers
corermaximus commented
Hello Barry, I was referring to being able to get that information from the user endpoint- not update it.
corermaximus commented
I don't see a field that specifies a users social media links or channel panel data at the get users endpoint https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference#get-users
BarryCarlyon commented
Description/Bio is updatable via https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference#update-user
And gettable on the users end point