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301 results found

  1. Because apparently you cannot be contacted anywhere, and moderators are way over their heads, removing comments with NOTHING wrong, by the rules and relevant answer to another comment. This is ridiculous, I waited long for the account, long for the permission to say something to chat in a place what I decided to watch and follow. And I answered to normal comment, with normal comment. nothing ******, nothing violent, only normal. like "<the users thing> is a fraud, but this is beautiful> .. hundreds of comment above mentioned beauty, and there was nothing wrong. When I commented about that atrocity,…

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  2. Mods are banning users across multiple channels without reason.

    Owners of channels need more transparency when it comes to bans from rogue mods. These mods are blatantly abusing their powers to ban users from channels that they have never even chatted in. These users are bringing this issue up to other mods like myself, and I've experienced it personally from corrupt mods. We need more methods of dealing with rogue mods that are banning users. They need to flag users, and have owners of channels make the final move. This current method is empowering people that have no reason being…

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    2 comments  ·  Stream Chat  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    We appreciate this feedback but, as long as the channel is following our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service they are free to moderate their community which ever way they see fit.

  3. 5 votes

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  4. A possible idea that would be beneficial to both Twitch and their (popular) streamers is a 'restricted' mode for chat; it’d work the same as sub-only mode, but also include former subscribers and current turbo users. The benefits would include:

    • Strong incentive for viewers to purchase Turbo. Those who have Turbo would be able to talk in any chat with restricted mode on.
    • Streamers who like to interact with their chat, but have sub-only mode enabled to keep it from moving too quickly, could use this instead.
    • Great incentive for viewers to subscribe to a channel with it enabled, as…
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  5. I'm not sure if this was intended, but I wanted to bring it to the attention of the developers. Typically, the chat stops scrolling when you scroll up using the mouse wheel, allowing you to read the content. It resumes scrolling when you scroll back down or use a specific button for that purpose.

    However, in this case, the autoscroll feature doesn't disable when you scroll up by pressing the mouse wheel and moving the mouse upwards.

    Please note that this problem occurs on Windows, in the Chrome web browser.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hi there,

    Are you running the most up-to-date version of your browser? There could be a couple of issues at hand, but it's best that you get in contact with our support team to troubleshoot some of the possibilities. Please reach out to our support team via - thank you!

  6. mis comentarios no se ven y ya llevo dos dias sin poder hablar

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  7. I think it would be a really good idea to have the ability to delete messages on your phone as a moderator for chat

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    Mods on mobile should have the same power as those who use our site. You just have to click on the users name and moderation options will be available to you there.

  8. Проблема в том,что у меня выполнены все критерии для получения программы Компаньон у меня есть кнопка "начать" но при нажатии выходит ошибка "Это содержимое уже не доступно.Приносим свои извинения"Эта проблема у меня уже 5 суток писал на почту никак не помогли

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still having issues with joining the Affiliate program please reach out to our team at so they can further assist you with this.

    Best of luck and congrats on Affiliate!

  9. When I click chat to start chatting, don't then popup some dumb chat rules bax that I need to click ok to. I'm half way through typing my message before I notice that *****. Maybe use a little common **** sense and having chat rules already displayed so that I am not wasting my ******* time. Take your garbage designer and throw them out. ******* christ almighty UX shouldn't be that ******* hard or complicated.

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  10. I dont know why, but i cannot send messages since yesterday, i can type them, and i can see them, but no one else see´s it, i tried changing accounts, incognito, and everything, but no one else can see my messages HELP!!!!

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    1 comment  ·  Stream Chat  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still running into issues with this I would recommend reaching out to our team at so they can further assist you in troubleshooting this.

  11. Hello, this problem started occurring today. I've never experienced something like this before. Whenever I try to write something into the chat section of ANY stream, my message pops up on my screen but neither the streamer nor the other viewers can see it. I've contacted some of the streamers and their moderators about this problem. Their response was "You haven't written anything in my chat before.". Also, I am unable to send private messages to anyone else. I am using chrome as my browser. Hope this gets fixed soon!

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  12. 3 votes

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  13. The APP has the push to talk option but doesn't work. It also does not have more bind key options to use push to talk.

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  14. My favorite streamer ASMRPunk told his chat today that two of his emotes were removed from his channel without his knowledge or a warning. These emotes were: a animated butt that said “go deep” which is a channel inside joke as well as one that has two non-biological and says balls at the top, also a inside joke. While these are not exactly the most appropriate emotes out there, they do no harm. They are a part of the stream family and community and have been for a very long time. They were not created to be offensive to anyone…

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  15. Solo me deja mandar chats y que me vean en canales donde soy mod en otro chats no me ven, ¿alguna solución?

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still having issues with this please reach out to our team at and they will be able to assist you in troubleshooting this.

  16. Здравствуйте. Сегодня я столкнулся с такой проблемой, что стримеры и его зрители не видят мои сообщения. Почему? Я что то нарушил?

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still having issues with this please reach out to our team at and they can help you troubleshoot what is going on.

  17. I always listen and watch my favorite streamer on twitch. He allows people to spam his chat. it's very annoying. I wish Twitch would make a way for people to silence chat while still be able to listen to the streamer.

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  18. We should be able to read and interact with our chat on console, maybe In a corner or something.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Please direct feedback for the streaming experience on console to Xbox support.

  19. cuando mando un mensaje al chat de twitch, hablo y sale mi mensaje pero no sale en el chat del streamer, espero que me den alguna solución gracias.

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  20. I would prefer it to be like real time chat, abit less lag for chat, so reply not so much a delay for streamer and others in chat.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    The chat to streamer lag you are describing is latency. Please ensure that when you click on the video settings on the bottom right corner of the player, under Advanced, low latency is toggled on. Sometimes, some streamer prefer to turn off low latency, such as to avoid stream sniping or to make it easier to keep up with chat, for example. For more information, please check out:

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