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3 results found

  1. Surely you guys have seen what has recently happened with the "ASMR Category" with two big streamers. Now I will say good job on banning them. But I think those bans should uphold and remain permanent to further back up the message that states. "That type of content is not allowed on twitch"

    It's too suggestive the line was pushed too far.

    Unless you guys want to make an 18+ category or a whole new site altogether adhering to that. Either way some sort of enforcement needs to be put into place. With a CLEAR understanding of what is /…

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  2. This has been going on for years, yet for some reason Twitch cant seem to block these phrases from being used to harass VETERANS who are just enjoying their time on twitch. They literally block words like GTFO which is a game on steam and many other phrases that can be used to target other people, races and genders yet something like this gets through? What if a person killed them self because of this harassment? Would twitch do something then or would they be held liable along with the person that's harassing the veteran? Much like the girl who…

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  3. Game skin gambling was added to the guidelines a while ago.
    Skin gambling on all games, including RUST, as well as CSGO should be banned.
    Guidelines need to be updated.

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