Meu distintivo do canal não aparece
As pessoas se inscrevem no meu canal mas o meu distintivo não aparece no nome delas quando escrevem no chat, aparece uma insignia de fundador , porém quando eu escrevo no chat aparece ao lado do meu nome.
O que posso fazer? mandei email pra twitch e eles disseram que quem tem que reclamar são os inscritos, não acho justo
The Founder badge is a global badge - when users have Founder badge visibility enabled in their security and privacy settings, the Found badge will override the subscriber badge.
Ultimately, it is up to the user to hide the Founder badge from showing up.
More information about the founders badge can be found here: A Founders badge allows users to celebrate being some of your first subscribers.
yyBrabo commented
yyBrabo commented
yyBrabo commented
People subscribe to my channel but my badge doesn't appear in their name when they write in the chat, a founder badge appears, but when I write in the chat it appears next to my name.
What can I do? I sent an email to twitch and they said that those who have to complain are the subscribers, I don't think it's fair