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73 results found

  1. I'm tired of tiddy-streamers being proposed to. And as soon as I have watched a channel, it appears in the list of recommended channels.
    I would like to have a way to determine which channels are no longer suggested to me.
    So one way to blacklist channels instead of favouriting them.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    When you are recommended a channel you would rather not see you can click the three dots under that specific stream and it will have an option that says ‘Not Interested’ this will keep from you getting recommended that streamer again.

  2. I don't know if this is the right place to make this request, but I'm a regular in the streams of iamelisabete, and I have been for almost 16 months. In that time, she has grown to be one of the biggest ASMR streamers on the platform. She regularly pulls down over 1,500 viewers, along with a substantial Just Chatting and gameplay community. The fact that she hasn't been granted partner yet is an embarrassment and a poor reflection on Twitch itself. She submits over 30 hours of content every week, and she closely follows each of Twitch's guidelines. She…

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  3. It has been more than 3 weeks since to check the process and I have more than the average and I still do not receive my affiliate confirmation

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    If you are still running into issues I would recommend reaching out to our team at so they can help you troubleshoot this issue.

  4. The way Recommended Channels work today I have no idea, but I want the possibility to either remove a stream from that list or mark it as Not Interesting (in order to improve the selection process on this, if there is one).

    I am constantly getting Pink_Sparkles stream in my first row of recommended channels, and I couldn't be less interested in her.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    When you have a stream show up in your Recommended Streams section you can click the three dots under the stream and there you can mark it as a stream you are ‘Not Interested’ in.

    Hopefully this helps and thank you for this feedback!

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  6. 是不是twitch服務出問題了?我追隨很久的一個主播去看她直播的時候發現自己追隨消失了 是我可能自己意外取消了嗎。請查查是什麼問題。而且是今天才發生的事情。我昨天還在看。如果是twitch問題可以說下嗎而且意見反饋問題沒了總是會跳走。而且我不知道屬於什麼問題 。所以能有意見反饋嗎

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  7. Stop making us waste our hard earned money to stop watching advertisements nobody gives a **** about just so your unhappy ***** can make an extra buck! ******* worthless *** *******!

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  8. As a viewer who only sparingly watches any stream other than the small handful I like and would actively not like to see a bunch of streams I don't have any interest in, every single aspect of this UI update is terrible, inconvenient, ugly, obtuse, and otherwise was a bad move. When I go to a channel I do want to watch that's offline, I'm assaulted by whatever person that streamer is hosting and have no option to either stop the hosted channel from appearing or to remove the elements I don't like from the offline page. The offline page…

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  9. 아니 왜 인기체널이 추천되는건가요?
    장난 하시나요???
    원래 다른게 추천되는데 갑자기 인기체널에 내가 안 보는것들만 추천이 되였있어요
    이거 취소 어떻게하나요??

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  10. making a team channel

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  11. Make it possible for EVERYONE to decide if they want to keep the current layout or have the new one. As a matter of fact the whole thing looks scuffed. The "home" and "about" page shouldn't be separated and look at what you've done with all the panels! It looks like garbage now when I took a look at my preview. And what were you thinking when you decided to remove the channel banners??? Much time and money will have gone to waste for many streamers out there who are now forced to make a "channel" trailer which was possible…

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  12. Hola Buenos días. Soy dj1_erizo en Twich. Y ayer probé esta plataforma por primera vez y al realizar las transmisiones, revisando los vídeos salen mal. Sale como en color verde y con el nombre de Twich en varias mini ventanas. Muchas gracias. Espero que se pueda resolver pronto este problema.

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  13. It would be good to be able to go through a list that shows all the people that are following me.

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  14. NewChannelErikEU (I am a viewer - not a streamer) (This is a test) ,
    MY SITE : , Greatings from EUROPE.

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  15. Regarding the part "home" which people see when I am offline:
    I like that people see the recent broadcasts here and my recently streamed categories, but the Categories part is too big, given that I only stream in very few categories (in numbers: two). There is a lot of dead space next to those two pictures.
    Also: Why is the information about me not on the main page? People click on my profile to find information about me, not to see who I recommend watching(isn't that what auto-hosting is for anyway?). I would really like to see more 'about me'…

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  16. Love it :) , make sure that if the viewer is NOT following the channel, he has to land on the profile with the Trailer up front & not a random host. That would result in a loss of potential follows.

    Let me put Emotes In the background instead of my name :) Some emote would greatly help capture the ESSENCE of my stream.

    Also Please allow us to Upload videos on Twitch to Gain more Followers. Like how about you put my channel trailer in people's recommended :) This could help SO MANY people grow.

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  17. Twitch removed this game which is active and strong "Ultra Street fighter IV". Only the old version "Super Street Fighter 4" is showing up. This version is completely obsolete and outdated. Please back Ultra Street Fighter 4. This makes me sad my favorite fighting game of all time is no longer visible for me and streamers/viewers alike.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    Looking through Twitch I was able to find Ultra Street fighter IV live on the site now.

    Thank you so much for this feedback and please let us know of any other categories you have issues with.

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  19. bonjour je vous ecris pour vous dire que c est pas normal que MrPIXL ne soit pas bannie définitivement car il triche sur votre chaine et je suis outrée que vous ne faite que le bannir que 7 jours alors ma demande serais que vous le bannissier définitivement

    car oui il triche

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  20. It gives streamers the easier path for to finally show people how the streamer streams and shows who they really are.

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