Better adustments for low bandwidth streamers.
I have an upload Bandwidth of around 720kbps total. I have been streaming for a couple years, but is new features kept being added to other platforms ( mainly streamlabs ) It got to where the streaming client was using more bandwidth than the game. This causes service drops, crashes, lag, etc even on my lowest settings. I am not the only one in thie situation. Since pandemic a lof of folks like me, in locations unable to have higher internet services, want to stream but find themselves unable to. I stream at 480p 30fps which is usually 'okay' but this could use some support. Additionally, I use a browser to view my stream because of the service drops.
What woudl be nice, is a small panel to the side of my stream-client say above the stream chat, that showed what the streamers see ( and connection quality ) at a very low quality to me ( adjustable ) I usually try to view at 160p so I can monitor for crashes. having this in one place on the stream client, rather than loading a resource hog of a browser woudl be nice.